Good night, sweet prince

Good night, sweet prince



He's popular, he's successful, he's happy, and that just eats you alive, doesn't it?

He looks like he's eaten a few people alive.

>he's happy


He's eaten more then just a few

Umm, happy? Might want to check on your boy there

no u

who dat?

Some youtube guy named booger

he's unhappy cos he eats and he eats cos he's unhappy

Everytime i read one of his tweets marilyn mansons "misery machine" plays in my head......

Why didn't he talk about Blizzcon

Backboneless fucks. Boogie is so fucking easy target why don't you try someone where you have to think to insult?


Boogie's happier than OP.

How miserable would you have to be to shitpost multiple times a day? It's become an unhealthy obsession.

It was never funny, but now it's just pathetic.

Pick someone and I'll roast them

his nigger loving wife left him

Nail on head


He's fine.

Martin Luther King would be funny actually. Lets see what you got user.

I was waiting for this to happen since last year. It's his own fault, his fatass wife managed to lose weight and actually stick with it, while this fat cunt just gave up. It was impossible that they'd stay together, she's not going to want to be around some fat manchild who stuffs his face constantly while she's restricting her diet and staying active. It's like 2 heroin addicts, and only one gets clean and is determined to stay clean, while the other carries on using. He only has himself to blame and his "friends" aren't his friends, if they were, they'd be fat-shaming him to actually get skinny, not just lose 40lbs and put it back on every 2 months.

He's unhappy because he drinks and he drinks because he's unhappy. Now we understand the cycle of an alcoholic.

I give it 3 months before he loses it and starts beating it on cam

>implying he can reach his dick

you do know that boogie got gastric bypass a few months ago and has lost like 100 pounds already, right?