Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything

Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything.

How is this possible today with app like tinder, Facebook etc ?

Social media won't help social retards.

on the same road currently i'll try lose mine for you

Do it fgt.

Do you even lift?

I do regularly. But my favourite sport is climbing/bouldering so I have keep my weight down. Therefore I am not swole.


OP, do you have a facial or other serious deformity?

same here but 22. whenever I feel like shit because of it, I try to remind myself that the most obvious reason for our exsistence is to breed and dwelling in the race to succeed that is very pathetic especially when people try to hold stature over eachother because they fucked more people. its an implemented instinct in all of us from the start but no one ever cares to ask why but just does, and if you don't, then you're a waste of life in societys eyes. don't let it get you down, you're just breaking the cycle in a sense.

No. I'm just below average looking. But my looks aren't the problem.

This is a pitiful rationalization. There’s nothing wrong with not playing the hookup game, but finding a wife is very important. Plenty of people ask why we do it, and the answer is very obvious. On one level, woman make men feel complete. On another, it is necessary to have children, which is both personally gratifying and necessary for the survival of the species.

OP here. This.

We have this thread every day. Dont take OP seriously.

I see where you're are getting at but that's because we are hard wired to feel that way, and our species is more than fine with over 7billion of us flocking around, but in my rant I'm not I don't mean for it to come out as a bad thing, its just what we are and what we need as humans. I'll tell you what the other day I felt empty and confused until I saw a man on a bench holding his sleeping child and I felt a sense that everything is going to be okay

Yeah man, not like this world is already full of people or anything. Keep popping out babies and trying to rationalize your existance as important though. Kids fix everything apparently.

Just because I make this thread regularly doesn't mean I am lying.

sorry for my gramar, its cold as shit and my hands are shaking.

This has been a meme post for years. The joke has exceeded the point of running its course. Youre just here to routinely carry on the dead meme.

First time I posted this shitty thread, I was like 30.

Get out of here, religionfag. Gays exist and getting married isn't fucking necessary.

And people still posted it before you, five years ago when you were 29 years old. You are not the first person to post this meme.

You're both wrong, fuck a lot and never have kids. This shit hole is over populated as it is.

its on par with all the anti white threads as well

Have you considered hoes?

Correct. There really is no fixing the quality of a shitpost. It is what it is.

I'm certainly not the only 30 year old virgin on here. The point is that this thread is not posted as a meme.

See, now even you admit that youre not the only posting it. That being said, why do you feel worthy of an ama if everyone else here is a 30 something year old virgin as well?


This is Sup Forums bro. Furthermore, there are quite a few norms here which do give good advice.

why not even a good hooker?

how far do your power extend? Can you lift shit around, pyrothelekinesy is a thing ? Can you go faster than the speed of your own cries ?

I could go to one of the 35€ hookers from Eastern Europe which are probably all trafficked. But I don't want to exploit other people.

Around here, decent escorts are between 200 and 500€ and I currently don't have that money.

>I don't want to exploit other people.
good for you
>Around here, decent escorts are between 200 and 500€ and I currently don't have that money.
damn, feel bad for you, but you have to invest that money bruh, at least one time, is just ridiculous being a virgin in 2017/18

It's not even the lack of sex per se that bothers me. It's more about the lack of romantic relations, mutual attraction and shit.

>the lack of romantic relations, mutual attraction and shit.
you got me there, since i'm also a social retard, sometimes i miss that too, but at least i had experienced really good sex and learned so much about it

I can imagine that even good sex in e.g. a ONS has some "romantic" or more appropriately erotic dimension since both sides are attracted to each other. This is of course different when going to a prostitute.

28 year old virgin here speaking form experience. I'm starting to notice the powers coming quicker to me. Some days will be a bit worse than others, for example, on a good day I can lift a cup full of water, the next day I'll struggle to life a fork etc. I'm pretty sure I'm getting visions. At first I was confusing them with vivid day dreams, but they are increasing and potency. I think what I'm seeing is glimpses of the future or past, not sure yet. I'll explore this fully as my powers continue to grow.

How many level 9 spells do you have?

Can you cast wail of the banshee?



c'mon niggers.