Album Covers

Favorite album cover thread

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I heard this album was really good despite its dopey cover. Truth?







haha batt peepee

What's the name of this album user?

op if youre posting all these i genuinely from the bottom of my heart have to literally give you a "lol"


Jokes on you that album fucking sucks

Not , but you are wrong

Yes its amazing. Listen to the remaster.

i just started listening to it and it is pretty good. very unexpected from the cover lmao

This but unironically

eric digits confirm

damn that looks like some Viper shit

it's unironically a 10/10

Gonna listen to dis.

Pic related is a work of art.

Oh dang, I really like this one








Reporting back, what the fuck that was sick as hell why didn't I listen to this before


unironically this.



bluuuuue crrrhrystall fiiiiuuurrre