Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

What's wrong with this?

This was in London.

Beta males.

Yet again, someone makes a claim but can't provide evidence.
Ho hum.

Just ask her "Why?" and watch her explode.

So prove it's American
>Ho Hum
>See what I did there?

Check his tats friend. :^]

We let this happen because we didn't know where to look, turns out the best people to control where students. Marxist professors converting these souls left, right, and center with their "Better Communism" and Social Justice.
We knew this was an issue, we just didn't look in the right places, and it's getting beyond a joke.


I don't have to, you're making the counter claim against me. Prove your claim and the posts will stop.

Would it surprise you to know that this is a guy?

Only one man could have saved us.
Hitler 2000

Women are emasculating by nature, they can't help it.

The problem is that men today are unwilling to stand up for themselves. A few opportunists see an opportunity for more pussy so they take women's sides in White Knight fashion, but somehow or another a vast majority really believe horseshit like women are just as strong as men and can do everything men do and both genders are equal yada yada yada.

I believe it is the result of the divorce courts and the school system. Women get kids in divorce with no questions asked, then kids are raised by their mom's and the education system, with is over 90% female. So you have a bunch of men who have spent their whole lives pleasing women and are terrified to stand up to them or displease them in any way. Women aren't that scary, men can and should stand up to them, the vast majority just don't.

fucking hell OP

Who hurt you?


Literally everything I said is true

8 years of Obama's far left ideology.


It could be worse, Europe is just like this, however, they're letting in sand niggers too



True but this problem already existed before Obama,he just made it worst

faggot lol

im not sure what you mean by this? its the same shit as the punks in the 80's and the hippies in the 60's and 70's.

Ultimately its a group of people with stupid ideas that get together and reaffirm eachother they arent retarded when they actually are. the thing is that with the internet more people can spread their retarded ideas to trick other retards into thinking they arent retarded. so now we have more of these people. simple.

Like lots of other threads. No different.