Hello, I am a developer at UBISOFT and I will answer 1 question to the first person that rolls trips...

Hello, I am a developer at UBISOFT and I will answer 1 question to the first person that rolls trips, ask me ANYTHING and I will try my best to explain/answer the question.

Why Ubisoft make shit games

did you have a good christmas?

For honor is shit. Why.



Does it bother you that the Ubi takeover of Rainbow Six has completely ruined the series?

As well as the takeover of the Operation Flashpoin titles?

Teehee and everyother title prly

why are you coming on Sup Forums pretending to be something you're not


Why are you here? Shouldnt you be ruining good game-concepts right now?

Is pokemon cool?

are you a virgin?

do you know any really good recipes for a smooth and creamy hummus

show up a badge or an office pic with a time stamp or go fuck yourself


Do you even know what "developer" even means you dumb fuck?


Do you get cold in the winter?

If ubisoft, can ibehard?

why do you guys fake games in E3 trailers and shit? and can u even enable the e3 settings in game?

Where is Daubeny?

why do you downgrade shit like faggots and continue to lie to us