Why is this instrument so underappreciated?


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I legitimately love the accordion. Wish it would break into popular rock music the way the saxophone became a meme in 80's rock.

it sounds like shit

you sound like shit

Few people know it's a portable organ.



The harmonium is superior.

My room mate at college plays it, and everyone things it's cool as shit. It think because it's bulky, and hard to sing along with because it requires so much strength compared to more classic singing instruments, like piano and guitar. Also, it's plagued with an association with Italy, and I think a strong association with any one country is bad for an instrument's popularity.

Funny, I always thought the #1 thing people associated the accordion with was polka music - and this kind of gave it a "cheesy" stereotype in peoples' minds.

That too.

Would not Weird Al be the most well known accordion player in the United States?

Although I guess Norteño might be more popular in the southwest US

No dynamics

Yeah, I guess, but I don't really think of weird al myself. Kind of like how I don't think of tiny Tim when I think ukulele, I think Hawaii and teenage white girls.

See, Weird Al wouldn't help with accordion appreciation. He'd only contribute to people viewing it as "cheesy."

No, see

are you retarded? it has more dynamics than quite a few other instruments.

How hard you pull or squeeze the bellows changes the volume. It can be very quite, or very loud, and all the shades in between.

Stigma I guess. Most people associate it with shitty polka and lame oom-pa music. They don't know the depth, beauty and feeling the sound of an accordion can provoke when heard in the flesh. It really cuts to your soul, especially when the player knows what he / she is doing and plays nice music instead of mediocre polka music.

This was the video that convinced me to learn accordion:

I've been playing for about 2 years now. Love it, play most days, learn a variety of traditional songs from US, Russia, England and France. Played today outside my house in the sun and got some interested looks from passers-by. Its quite a rare instrument to see in the flesh in my country (very, very far away from eastern europe or europe at all)


because this happened


I imagine you could create great ambient with it.

Not in my country, it’s not. I play it too.

Two words - Pauline Oliveros.

Its pretty overplayed in most million dollar making Tejano music. Its used to fill in huge gaps in spanish songs and is pretty much 80's shred guitar on most tracks. The fucked up thing is its just like guitar in that no one knows the notes, you found a scale with a bunch of exaggerated moments and pyrotechnics you can become a star. Im a recording engineer and work with too many Mexicans with $50k instruments and horrible work ethic

The acordian is goat, wish I had one. You ever listen to They Might Be Giants?

Is it though?
Everyone loves it and have listened in their lifes.


accordion is too complicated and demanding to play

you can make music on guitars which are easier to be horrible at and fool a lot of people into thinking you know anything about musicianship and even that is giving way to computers where the bar is about 1000x lower than even guitar

accordion of tejano=pedal steel of country

My heart melts and my eyes get teary when I listen to those russian folk songs with accordion. How hard is to learn?

So far I only know how to play violin but at an intermediate level. I'm debating whether to learn guitar (because flamenco but I know to get to that level it would require like 5 years) or accordion.

Its a pretty popular instrument in some regions of Brasil.



Italy? I think you meant to say France.

it doesn't really work that great with anything else, I do love the sound of it on its own though

Because it's only for patrician people

this album is great: rateyourmusic.com/release/album/scorces/scorces/

it's played poorly by gypsies busking.
I bet most of you like the accordion sections on pet sounds

Best instrument to remove kebab with

It's used a lot in upper states here in Brazil
