Do they check external hardrives in checked luggage in airport...

Do they check external hardrives in checked luggage in airport ? im a sailor and have to carry a lot of porn with me to cope at sea .

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they usually don't but if they found a reason to i think they could but there is probably special work that has to go into checking someones computer, and external.

I once tried to get on a flight with an expired ID and they had to do an additonal search where they pat me down and swab my stuff to make sure theres no explosive,s but they didnt check what was on the desktop, which is great cuz there was a folder of underage boys wrestling in their underwear on it and that woulda been hard to explain

No, they don't check it but encrypt that shit anyways.
Truecrypt should work for whatever you're hiding.


its 3tb worth of porn , no incest and animal shit but a lot of degenerate stuff

>implying truecrypt hasn't been breached for years
nigga, look that shit up. that's NSA backdoored years ago

VeraCrypt the way to go.

do i need to crypt the drive if i only have legal pirated porn ?

If you don't mind them looking at your porn, then no.

Wouldn't be worried about it, but it's easy to do and won't hurt. We all like our privacy.

but if i want to put some sick shit what woud you recomand to me ? i thinked about putting it in my phone microsd card and put the sdcard in my underwear .

>there's a lot of porn here, user
>we need to make sure none of it is illegal
>you'll get this back in a few weeks, maybe longer, or never

As long as you're not some terrorist truecrypt will do what it's made for. I'm not saying it's 100% safe either but will certainly keep collegues and potential thieves out.
I've read an article about how many encryption programms jumped into existence when truecrypt was breached while consisting of the same core, with quiet likely the same flaw.
I'm not sure if VeraCrypt is one of these though.

Nah, veracrypt is safe m8. Stay away from truecrypt ... I think they even put up warning on their own fucking website

Shit you're acting like motherfucking james bond. Just make an encrypted folder on your desktop called "degenerated_porn" and don't do anything stupid like bringing that on an sd card which you'll probably lose because you're a clumsy motherfucker.

Sure! but create a strong/long password, or a good keyfile. Use a AES-Twofish-Serpent algorithm, and you're set. They'll never get into that shit.

Yes they did, read a bunch of articles about encryption like a year ago and as for that time there was no "safe" encryption method around.

>Nah, veracrypt is safe m8.
>VeraCrypt: Free, open-source (mostly,) and cross-platform, VeraCrypt can handle almost anything you throw at it. It’s a fork of TrueCrypt
Thus may have the same problem as TrueCrypt has.

Op here , im new to crypting , i remember trying it once and took forever to complete , how much would it take for 3 tb of footage ?

>implying I'm using windows

Do you know what a fork is?
It means they patched all the things that was wrong with truecrypt. Of course there's probably 0days in the software, as there is with every software, but nothing has yet been found.

Also, did you even read your own article?
>veracrypt is stronger, more powerful
>veracrypt wins on security
>veracrypt is more difficult to use
That last one what scared you away? It's not difficult.

>bitlocker is easier, but veracrypt is not difficult

Im going to hope that last bit was a joke cus if not im gonna report you to my uncle who owns the fbi and hell track you dont

weak bait

No my uncle is bill Gates. Your ip is being traced your done kiddo

>It means they patched all the things that was wrong with truecrypt.
No, it does not. It just means a project at a certain point of time was copied and adapted thowards another project.
That may mean that they changed the graphical front end, OR fixed the security hole.

I'm not an expert on VeraCrypt though, gotta read more on that.

Another Sailor here (ET, so i know your situation), they dont give a shit about your porn, just stow it in a tough case inside your checked luggage and you'll be good