I'm a little push away from killing myself tonight, Sup Forums

I'm a little push away from killing myself tonight, Sup Forums

convince me one way or the other i dont care

Don't do it. Make some money first and then send it to me.

I don't make enough for you to even bother tbh

Do a flip, faggot

If you didnt care you wouldnt be here

Hey call the suicide prevention hotline.



I do care to either do it or not, that's why I'm here. If I don't get the external push I won't do anything, and though I don't know if hell's real, but I can't imagine living in this limbo any longer. And I've had plenty of pushes towards life already, got some great friends and fantastic family. Maybe just one good push the other way will do the trick.

Suicide is for pussies. So you should do it bro

>urf muh philosophy
I was wrong, definitely do it. Livestream it.

None I know of are functioning in this fuckin third world post commie country I live in. When I tried some online services they briefly ended with "welp, you're feeling too bad for us to take responsibility for your well-being, go to the real doc." The real doc requires money, time, and effort, and right now, at this moment, I have none of those.

If you need a little push then that is someone murdering you, not suicide.

I was thinking of it for a long time! Dunno how to get around it. Any tips?

youre either schizo or bi polar just make another you in your head to push or be bushed by

Well, if you put it that way... Then maybe I did come here to get murdered after all.

Shotgun, toaster in the tub, high building, take your pick. There are tons of ways to do it.

I would gun myself a long time ago if only I had access to any guns. Non-US fag here, there's not freedom around here for this.

Hold on dude.

You never know where time will take you, and where you might be 5 years from now.

Truly you have no fucking idea.

Which is part of why things like gambling and financial trading are so lucrative. We place a ridiculous value on predicting any semblance of the future.

Whatever it is that's got you, realize it is wrapping its fingers around your throat.

Fight it.

We can't put a price on the next breath.

If you have no friends I will seriously be your friend.

Just don't give up.

>there's lots of ways to do it
>lol that one i cant do
Jesus Christ, you're such a useless faggot.

i think you should just do it

seriously no one cares about your existence

You look nice

Oh shit that’s ruff

I do have friends. Wonderous, supportive friends. And lovely parents, and I am fairly well off in life, as in -0 I have a roof over my head and a PC which can run Fallout NV. Turns out it's not enough for a faggot like me. Turns out I'm just a bad investment.

if you die now you don't get to see the hound vs the mountain

life is like a video game, if you live then you win. if you die, then you lose. unless you have no problem being a loser i suggest you live to win.

Let's look on the potential of the afterlife for a moment.

Is there any true benefit to accelerating the inevitable? Is there ever any benefit to accelerating any inevitable?

Think on this.

tldr because you posted that shit pic also a friend to all is a friend to none

Try some lsd and do something crazy before ending it

wrong website, fag. try tumblr

youre so backwards

Yes, I can see a possible benefit. There's a slight chance I won't feel what I'm feeling. And it's not just now. I need to imagine myself hanging to calm myself from anxiety over the next work day and to be able to sleep every night.

Nah mate, never been on Tumblr, but while I expect ppl over there to be supportive, by coming here I was hoping I would get the purest, raw super-ego maniacs here who'd tell me how it really should end up. Also, fuck captcha.

I'm not asking for ways to do it, mate. I've got my way out prepared.