How can one man be so influential yet talentless at the same time?

How can one man be so influential yet talentless at the same time?

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I would argue that he wasn't actually that influential at all. While the Sex Pistols did become a sort of poster boy for the punk movement, their music was fucking terrible for the most part and there were many other bands who worked with the same sound but did it better. Really, the only thing they did was drive fads and the punk look and attitude. Music wise, they really didn't contribute anything. I started out listening to the Sex Pistols but as I've grown I realize that they're really juvenile, not just in the content but in the execution.

Have you heard of PiL by any chance?

PIL is pretty good Tbh

Also, the answer is the million releases of myopic boomer media about the "punk" movement (just as with "summer of love" and "british invasion" media)

Pil basically invented death metal vocals

Public Image didn't influence shit.

>frontman of the band that was the personification of punk
>realized that his punk band was actually and empty corporate product
>left the group and started making the kind of music he really liked, the kind of music his manager told him to pretend to hate

Is John Lydon the most interesting man in music?

Start posting death metal vocals before 1978

That's not what I said either, I said that he was in a pretty good band, but the reason that he is regarded as "influential" is that baby boomers make like 5 documentaries about the "punk movement" a year.

Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Manic Street Preachers, Primal Scream and post-punk revival bands.

How come so many Sex Pistol fans or people who think Sex Pistols are overrated never heard of PiL?

Here's at least one.


their public image was too limited

Their first three albums were incredibly influential, practically every post-punk and noise rock band after were in some way influenced by them, Metal Box in particular


Whites influential, since Trump.

Because you spend too much time on Sup Forums


The first album. He does it on 2 or 3 songs

John Lydon (Or Johnny Rotten, if you like) is my hero, and did absolutely nothing wrong!



Sex Pistols
>I can't sing and we can't play our instruments but who cares

Public Image
>I can't sing and we can't play our instruments but its art

Glen Matlock > Syd Vicious
Prove me wrong

First of all, it's spelled SID.
Secondly this is a John Lydon/Johnny Rotten thread, so the two people you mention are irrelevant to this thread.

Other than that, you are absolutely right, especially when you consider that they had to bring Glen Matlock in to finish Never mind The Bollocks because Sid couldn't play for shit. (And if you ever saw any videos of them in concert with Sid, he was just terrible!)


epic live, also he died at 22
he is a legend always remember
you will die but sid not

ok you talking about jhonny rotten, he is a fucking mastermind thats why he is a legend and you are a piece of shit

literally who

dude we dosed you with ghb at the party and filmed you and conned you into saying things because you squeaked lmao

You're confusing influenced by actual artists with influential.

If you think he's bad, you should meet his friend.

A literal talentless groupie poseur is the genre's most recognizable face. Depressing.

Because influence doesn't require talent

woman, go back to

Because of the business mind behind him, duh.

It's much more punk to piss people off than conform to the notion of "real" punk.

Johnny rotten was a mannequin for Malcolm McLaren's clothing line

Sex Pistols were one of the most blatant industry plants in history and he was wise to break free from that with Public Image Ltd.

>many other bands worked with their same sound

AKA they were influential. And that's coming from someone who hates the Pistols

>b-b- but they were a boy b-band
poor little faggots can't understand

Fodderstompf was gorillaz twenty years before gorillaz

True punks do things solely because they want to

No one disagrees.