How do you compete against THIS?

how do you compete against THIS?

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that would do damage

Most pussies are like 7 inches long or less, so a good portion of his cock would be doing nothing

with this

By having a job.

That chicks just super tiny though. My girlfriend is 5’2” and I’m 7.5” and she can barely take it all. No way it’s in her stomach though


10cm benis lol

Having a job is meaningless if you have a small dick. Best you can hope for is a trophy wife who will cuck you with real men.

That measuring tape looks shopped. 7" to 10" looks more like 6"


even in your own picture you see how that much cock would be nothing but wasted with her

at most she could take 7-8 inches, beyond that you would cause her much pain

as always niggers and those who love niggers can only believe their own lie even when the truth is right in front of them

your entire race is collectively a joke

tiny brains to balance out your useless, oversized donkey penises

only ugly, fat black women are equipped to handle such penis which is all most of you will ever land

speaking of land, how many niggers own any?

Oh god, I can't. Maybe I should let my gf go out with her black co-worker. I mean, she's been asking for a while...

samefag OP

you are literally the biggest faggot sitting here jacking off to your own cuck fantasy on an imageboard

just go to the glory hole if you want to worship black cock this badly you retard

lol, 10cm....

atleast sage

my torpedo

>which is all most of you will ever land
Black women date white dudes alot.
I wish black people would not live around me.

To be this retarded.
Let us know when you finally make it to reality...

Nice jewcock, faggot.

How would you like to never be able to have rough sex, probably never do anal and not be able to insert your full penis into a woman? I'll stick with my 6" dick thanks

He's just got 3" of it dug deep into his pelvis, you can't even see the 2.

I'm sorry that you can't handle the fact that more than one white boy recognises the superiority of black men. I just want my girlfriend to be sexually satisfied, and it's statistically far more likely that a high test BBC will be able to provide that for her.

Literally looks like a fucking turd.
Guarentee it smells like one too.

With an actual fucking personality. Size matters, but not enough to be a deal breaker, fag.

By enjoying them both equally?

No, hers doesn't look right. The inches look stretched.
Ten inches from her pelvic bone to her ribcage? She'd be smaller than a midget.

By not fucking 13 year old midgets

For a girl like that, 7 inches is already humongous, so I wouldn't have to worry in theory.

Oh no you didn't.


Thats one massive turd dude, you and your sphincter should be proud, at least 7 courics...

Well he started after 2 inch mark. Next have to think maybe a little Photoshop. Its easy op my cock I more than enough. More than 10 sluts and 5 none sluts agree. Well that's what they say when it's in them

the ultimate murder weapon. pretend to have sex when in reality you're trying to stab her heart with your dick

Yeah, women love it when you fuck them in the lung.

Nice try

have a job

idk, I just dress in panties and try to get as many big black cocks to tribute my little white sissy butt as I can c:

Niggers have a bigger dick in general. So what?
Not only can't women even take any size of dick, but also isn't dick everything you need.
To satisfy a woman you also need skill. Skill which niggas can't have as their ape brains aren't advanced enough to do these things.
Niggers may have a longer dick.
But white people have the bigger brain. Superior blood. And basically are simply better because of their white skin.

White men have bigger dicks though.


Wanna see this fat fuckpig get her throat demolished and puke on a brothas cock?

wtf i would totally be in porn if i was one of these guys

Rare case of hyper-phallus syndrome. This is in no way normal or average, and in no way specific to a single race.

Have fun w/your big dick, and stop acting like it's based on your color, you nigger.

By not having AIDS

>implying the uterus is in the chest
Basic anatomy tardo, you only gotta go like 4-5in deep in that one

how the fuck is that a foot



Vid here

Got moar

wouldnt it be easier to just buy her a magic wand?


Tfw your dick is almost half standing tall at 5.5"

With my education and bank account.

Why do niggers fuck gross fatties like this? No wonder your own women are fleeing to White cock - you're too busy chasing barn animals.

Nah, she's cute bruh. And she fucking loves getting rekt by black cock and will do anything she's told. Slampigs are the best

Here's one of her getting her fat ass whipped with a belt

no one wants black women



That's hot, you definitely should. She'd really appreciate it and love you so much!

well i start by using a ruler that starts at 0 not at 2 like that one

then i dont photoshop stretch inches 1 through 12 on the tape measure on her

so in reality hes got 3/4 inch on my 7.5 which some chicks say is too long already and hurts


Why do u want to compete to a picture? I get pussy to go into..

>clearly pushing the first 3 inches of the rular in to the flesh


yea but her asshole goes deeper

>trophy wife
>implying any other kind of 'wife' exists in this day and age.


I use money

You can always move to a place where it's only white people. Where I'm at now almost every girl fools around with back men or wants to but hasn't met any.

Probably by the odds that I won't find a girl who's seen one of those

my wife is 5'3" and i cant even put all of mine in without her wrenching in agony cus cervix, which is a smidgen above 6.5 inches

Zach Lee

fucking who?

why is his cock listening to music?

Eck Zach Lee

I dunno... Being poked in the lung doesn't look very fun...

i have no idea what you're talking about

Anybody want moar of this bbc slut?

>greasy chicken fingers

i want to fuck her

low quality gaslight thread

proving your race through sexual masculinity on;y exacerbates your self demasculinity. and therefore makes your race seem weak

damn boys. im like 5' and i can fit about 7"/ 7.5
had a one night stand with someone that size and that was the best, hitting my cervix and shit.
he then put all his clothes back on and left

pussy now

lying niggerdome

is it roastie?

>im like 5' and i can fit about 7"/ 7.5

6.5 here, in my case it might be due to the fact that i was the first one in my wife, and she never uses penetrative toys so shes never been stretched open other than by me.

hitting the cervix is painful af
what is wrong with you?

by not being a nigger

My dick is average size, my wife isn't able to take all of it. If it goes too far in it hurts her. We've been together for 16 years now and have had 2 kids. Spread your BS to young men elsewhere, not every woman can take a big cock.

nah it still is alright

haven't shaved in a bit
also will man the harpoons

Wat would you do to her?

Rough anal pounding

>it's in my ass daddy

he was only slightly hitting it
and we smoked weed beforehand

is she christian?

I say shopped. If that bitch is measured 12 inches to her breast plate then she is like 3 and a half feet tall. No way

It's good to see that you're angry.

It's like having a car that does over 200 miles an hour.
Sure, it seems like a cool idea and people stare at it , but when are you really ever going to use it?

needed drugs and him beeing caefull to like it
it was the best


Mine pokes up around my GF's navel