A 15 y old girl just helped me cum im 24 ama

a 15 y old girl just helped me cum im 24 ama

How's it feel to be a pedo?

Weeee woooo weeeee woooo this the FBI and this shit not ok nigga.

How she helped? Story?


Post contact.

To be safe

got vids from her pics etc

Proof? Pic of her clothed?

im not dumb enough to post her pics on Sup Forums lol


you're a retarded lil bitch tbg
nice fake story cunt

i said to ASK me questions what are you retarded beat it kid


Kill yourself.

what is your home adress?

Fake and gay


I fucked a girl who turned 14 two weeks before for my 20th birthday. She lied about her age and said she was 16. I didn't find out for two years when she moved back to town and we were fucking again, but I would have fucked her anyway
Felt so damn good, and she made me eat her out. She was pretty demanding even at 14. She got mad about me cumming on her mouth and spit it in my face. She made me cum inside her or in her hairy bush (refused to even trim it, weird) when we began fucking again

Pedos fuck boys or girls who haven't hot puberty. Anything over 12 isnt even considered pedo, and being attracted to 15+ is considered biologically normal

Post a pic of her

very nice



Post link instead ?

"helped me cum" basically means that you masturbated to photos of her

r / isabelamoner



Why do you lie?

How did she help?