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mmh.. seems like a slow night? or no?




Just imagine how pleased moot will be when he finds out they started carrying 48I bras!









He's going to love us









How are you still awake anyhow?

Does anyone have the pic of the dog/catgirl (can't remember which it was) with angel wings lifting her shirt up?

>thread reaches in less than 12 hrs





I'm really not sure. I should be dead tired right now




ay, you're talking to the avatarfag, im used to threads hitting limit much quicker

>inb4 paint rendition of what he thinks the pic looked like
Too soon




Tabletfag, can't use paint

So what's stopping you?
...oh, dead tired, right. nvm



'member an American Tail?

Can you be more specific

Tonite's the furst time I've seen your name

Is there sfur-avithreads too these days and how have I missed them all


Heathcliff was a TV show


i tippity kekd

The fur was pure white and she was sticking her tongue out over a pink background. Also had a hairbun.




use fingers.
Tablets look like sheets of paper anyway.
Right, right guys?



So was Garfield






uh.. what?
;^; h-have i done something wrong?


No idea what that is

Pic is nice, implies a thing and hope you'll pawst the whole thing


Yeah, I wonder who thought it would be a good idea to make TV shows from comic strips



Fucking swear you're the same user always coming up w/ these



TV execs

I just really need that picture. My fap folder isn't as good without it.

I'll post it here soon

Pawsably tomorrow...




I have 3 separate folders on 3 separate devices, and yes, I'm the same user. Sad coincidence.

the person who post this
right this way...


It never was good.
It never will.




Not the same, but will take regardless. As soon as I get on my laptop, I will upload the pic.



what are you going to do to me?

I found it, same char btw.

I have some pics of my own, however.


Dunno maybe I'm reading smth wrong

You implied tonite was slow. I said it's knot. Then implied maybe you've been pawsting into different threads