Hey Sup Forums, bunny here, convince me to kill myself or stay alive

hey Sup Forums, bunny here, convince me to kill myself or stay alive

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Get me a way of getting in touch with you and when you realize im not a knight in a shiny armor but the devil you will have long forgotten this.

Don't ask Sup Forums, get some help.

Which way are you leaning currently?

You're so cute though.

This can't be real, waaaay to pretty for a b/tard
I call b8.

why thank you

killing myself. everyday i find more and more reasons to end it all

Bunny, why the heck should a pretty and obviously bubbly girl like you kill herself? Why don't you just undress instead and show me your charms?

I'm sure it will get better eventually, just stay strong.

is legit

I used to have a hard depression, but until i met my current gf, she help me to get out. i cant say anything to convice you or anyone, all we work and though in a different way

Personal reasons, or is it just the state of this world, Trump and all that crap?

killing yourself is such a extreme solution to a short term problem. If you are truly depressed and are thinking of suicide, talk to somebody about it. It can be anyone you trust or a family member. I was in the same position and i had to go through a couple therapy sessions and taking depression medication to start to feel better again but there's always someone out there that cares about you and is thankful that you are alive. Life is precious, there's no need to end it so early.

If you take that piercing out you'd be really cute

both. it was personal reasons then the state of the world. im a huge environmentalist and the earth dying honestly makes me sick to be a human and i deserve to die.

You should kill yourself for making this thread. make your own decisions you daft cunt. Now, show me your cunt.

Finger in pooper

bad wording but it gets the point across


That’s a real bogus reason to want to die.

Killing yourself only move your pain to someone else. Please stay alive OP?

if you feel bad about the earth dying you should be a botanist or an ecologist. who knows, you might be the person to save the earth :)

Bunny already exists, get more original.

show penis

No, you deserve to live!!! If you commit suicide it's just another little victory for those who try to ruin our beautiful world. They don't give a shit about people like you and me, it's so important that we don't give up.

This channel helped me when I was depressed

oh my fucking god

dude, maybe YOU should kill yourself instead

I say you must talk to my wpp I'm a bit lonely

And who the fuck are you? Shut up!

there's just so much wrong with me. i hate being human. all of my flaws, the mistakes i've made. i've been beaten bloody outside a gas station and left to die. i've been robbed i've been just randomly groped. i hate that im a woman i hate that i get gawked at by men in their 60s, with their girlfriends/wives. i hate that i lie. i hate that when i fall in love, i get board and crave excitement. i hate how much i want/need/think about sex. i hate food and how fat it makes me. i hate my job, i hate money, i hate having to work until my feet are raw, just to afford to exist.Im sick of this horrible human life. Im sick of having senile old man as my president, i hate being only 20 and not being able to make a real change. i hate this life. i hate this face, i fucking hate everything

Oh shit, sorry, ive been lurking this site now and then and i'm not kidding when i say 49/50 is b8.

But seriously, you totally got the looks (I'm very picky with girls) And the feelings you have about killing yourself i believe will pass shortly. It's when you reach the point in life where you realize the world kinda sucks, i've been there, and to be honest the smarter you are more you have to think about. I guess you're in your teens and everything will graduely feel better after you're done feeling like shit. It could take weeks or months, for some people years but that's rare.

I've bet you're feeling bad about your place in life or which people you have around you, make some changes and everything will feel great!

This is more than likely a cry for attention as if you where going to kill yourself you'd refrain from posting about it and just do it, but in the instance that you are not being an attention whore (which is really seems as if you are 'fishing for compliments' due to your appearance) then you should do what you really feel to be necessary, don't put your life in the hands of others. Your life is a one-time deal, there is nothing after it. This is all down to you.

>Random picture I wanted to use... Takes away from the severity of the situation.

You said it yourself. Your're human. Everyone is imperfect and has had highs and lows. Just don't let the lows kick you in the dick. Try talking to a loved one, or telling someone besides a bunch of Sup Forumstards

>Quads confim, everything will be allright.

You have a gorgeous face... you have half of life's problem's figured out right there.

If I see one more suicide thread I'M gonna kill myself

this my dear is called being female.

no matter how privileged you are, no matter how good you have it, no matter how much you achieve, how beautiful you are, you will always hate yourself, because that's the nature of females. you are all natural self-hating masochists.

what you need to do to somewhat redeem yourself is find yourself a worthy male, someone you would be happy at least some of the time, serving. someone who you want to serve on a day to day basis, someone to submit to. someone to look up to, someone to be owned by. because that's what you're worth, no more, no less.

quit thinking about what you have, or what you want, your qualities, your drawbacks, just think about finding someone to serve. and your problems will at least be pushed into the back of your mind because you will no longer be your priority, a man, or your man will be instead. which is the natural way of things. you will find fulfillment in this role. contrary to what society may tell you.

You could work as a hater hehe I'm kidding I think you just need to find someone that understands you. Don't give up yet

like ive said, a therapist could always help with your feeling of unworthiness. Some people are just bad people and you got unlucky but you shouldnt carry your past on your back or it will keep piling up and eventually you will fall. For the president thing, who gives two shits who the president is. Americas been going for almost 300 years and one 70 year old wont do shit my man.

atleast your brave enough to vent your problems to us.

I hope that you posted that with irony in mind.

First of all, you have a pretty face, no reason to hate it.

Look Bunny, I'm 50, been there done that. I know how you feel, but trust me, suicide is no solution. You are full of life, you are aware of what's going wrong in this world, and you are not alone. It's people like you and me who can make a diffference - but only when we live.

Good! It seems like you have a lot of shit you want to be different. Hate everything and change them. Don't be a lazy asshole who complained about everything and killed themselves. Then you'll truly be worthless. Everyone at some point feels this way and nothing will ever change the meaninglessness of life unless you change it for yourself.


That's bullshit

>i hate this face,
alright that one I know is a lie, you know how cute you are.

i dont usually believe in fate but this is solid proof that you will be okay.

yet you have no logical rebuttal for me.

I feel this way as well, but I think the universe will fuck you somehow for taking your own life

hey bunny, are you gonna post nudes for us like you did last time? i'd be eternally grateful.

So many fagots in one tread

so show puss maybe?



Sounds exactly like me from the years 17-21, (22 now) I fantasize a lot about sex and stuff, i'm kind of stuck in life too and i don't have the money to move away, i hate the fact too that human life really is misserable. I liked working at first tho, then i got my own place and so ne and the money you make from a regular work just doesn't cut it at all. I hate work and now i'm currently study because i got granted extra money because sweden decided to try out this new thing, so i get half the pay i would from HARD work. But i get you totally..

It sounds like you live in a really shitty place, which county?

What about lesbians

Life is FUCKING boring

show us tits, we rate it. thats what you want isnt it?

Where're the tits!? You have to give to receive

hey, i appreciate the kind words. i understand how b works so i dont even feel anything when there are just shit posters. but you took the time out of your 24 hours to type these responses to a stranger in need. i will remember all of this. thank you so much. i feel like there's some hope for me. i come to Sup Forums because you're all miserable like me. before memes took over the internet i was here with you, suffering and laughing at the same time lol. glad to know that even the white knights can take some time to help someone out, and you know, if this were 2008, no one would really say anything positive. i guess the world is changing a little. it's just hard to see when you're amongst it all. i want a better world. i want the world to respect the earth, i want people to just BE who they are without judgement- gay, transgender, vegan, i really don't give a shit. i want to live in a world where money does not exist and we just barter and trade all of our goods. i want to live in a world were there is just PEACE and survival against the elements, nature, and disease. i want a natural life. how can we get there? if i wrote something along these lines, and killed myself, it would spread like wildfire on the internet and maybe then there would be a change. cute 20 year old girl kills herself because she wants ot change the world.could work, am i wrong?

If you're here for kind words of encouragement or sensical words of advice, you've come to the wrong place.

just keep fucking yourself for money. money makes everything better


al these sjws just lying cuz they want to see you naked

Life is so short, if you get a chance to ever look back on life from your deathbed you will likely regret your ruminations and wasted energy on unhappiness. This is all you have. This moment. So cheer up, things could be worse. Also, 4chin isn't the greatest corner of the world to search for a pick-me-up. On that note, show me your tits or gtfo here with that whiny suicide shit.

north korea?

that its definitely wrong. Wouldnt you rather be known as the cute 20 year old that changes the world? suicide has no place in that resolution.



Nah if you offed yourself you'd just be another statistic. The only thing that would change is that the people who care about you would be sad for a while. If you want change, you'll have to work for it. If you want a "natural life" move to a hippie commune. Say what you will about hippies, but they are generally very happy people, even the ones who aren't doped to the gills.


Thats lame and unoriginal, nothing will change and you'll just be dead. You're nobody yet and killing yourself won't make any difference. You're free to free yourself from life but don't expect it to change anything.. like I said change things yourself. Go abroad and study. Knowledge will give you the tools to change this world

No, just stop. This is 2017, nearing 2018, we're all depressed fucks like you and we aren't going to kill ourselves or being 'super edgy'. One death won't change anything in our stubborn societies so what you're saying is essentially something a crack head would say, it is completely empty and meaningless.

Your death would affect those who cared before, it wouldn't affect those who don't give a shit. Sad but true. Too much is going on every day, you'd be forgotten in no time.

So don't do it! We need you alive!

lesbians are sexually confused heterosexual women that have switched sides either because of early life trauma, because of an increased affinity for being influenced by popular culture, or because the approach they've taken towards men has put them in situations that have made them disillusioned with men as a whole. or because they simply cannot attract a man.

every lesbian on the face of the planet would switch sides again at the drop of a hat if they found a male they deemed worthy of their affections. assuming that they're attractive enough to attract male attention in the first place that is.

>I hate money
dirty commie

do your job and produce 6-10 children. How about I give you aryan seeds for the job?

Fuck off dude

see? even if you feel lonely or sad, atleast you know that a group of white knights on Sup Forums care about you.

>if i wrote something along these lines, and killed myself, it would spread like wildfire on the internet and maybe then there would be a change.
not a fucking chance
you'd just be a drop in the bucket

frankly, i've thought about this whole changing the world, social justice, equality stuff, i even went to college for a similar degree, but at the end of the day, we're just single humans.
you have to learn to make meaning of your own existence, and change what little you can within your own bubble of reality. whether that is positively affecting the children you teach, being a positive role model, or environmental activism in a local way, you just have to find your niche.

show pussy faggot

Taco Bell and the entertainment industry control everything and nothing we say or do matters. So why hate yourself?

this guy gets it

You won't find much encouragement to do either here.

What a thread!


Why kill yourself, someday everyone will die eventually. Whatever afterlife can wait, but you could see all the bright sides of living on earth. Take up some hobbies, meet new friends, could even start a relationship. Go outside and do more stuff, go to whitewater or six flags, and have fun. You’ll start to realize how precious everything can be in this world, and realize how better it could be. A good way to start is by starting therapy sessions, to help even more. There are millions of people willing to help you, so hopefully you can enjoy your time on earth and live happy.

I'm lonely too.

Wish I was a woman so I could get sympathy on Anonymous image boards.

You're not wrong about that it would make it to the headlines, if somene screenshoted the thread and news happened to get their hands on it then yes, but it's like a 50/50 bet. Killing yourself won't prove a point, litterly this world is changing but it's still so shitty that it wouldn't encourage too many to any real changes. Live your life the way you want and sooner or later you'll find the right people to surround yourself with, and it will feel really good. If you add achivments and your work towards the life you want, it will feel super good.

I relate to you in so many ways, everything you wrote is like it's taken from my life, i too have been lurking this site since 2008/2009, and i just turned 22.

But i most know, what country are you from/currently living in?

Just photoshop a timestamp.

Liberal fig

No dont kill yourself, youre a cutie and seemingly smart. Ill kill myself in your place. Live viciously through me.

All possible points you could have made climbed out of the window and jumped from the 20th floor as soon as you said "someday everyone will die" as it literally suggests that it doesn't matter what you do, everything is pointless.

here have sum tits

are you a camwhore?

I cannot promise to fill your hole of emptiness that makes you lonely. But I could fill your holes with cold hard cock. Post nudes.

You try to prove a point by telling not to kill herself but then you go and say that you'd do it in her place which has the same affect as her doing it would. Your message here is really 'It isn't okay for you to kill yourself but it is if you do it in place of someone else." It is just so pointless to say something and go against it in the same fucking sentence.

lol okay Elsa dick

more whore

Also, fuck you for calling me a white knight.
I'm not white or a knight, but I can relate a lot with how you feel about this world
"Life is unfair. Kill yourself or get over it"

tits or gtfo, you know the rules.