You find a magical lamp with a genie who gives you 3 wishes, but

You find a magical lamp with a genie who gives you 3 wishes, but...

1. You can't wish to kill some one
2. You can't wish to make anyone fall in love or out of love
3. You can't wish to bring anyone back from the dead
4. You can't wish for more wishes

What are your wishes??

Wish for more genies/magic lamps with genies. Therefore get more wishes

More Genie Lamps with Genies in them

1. Ability to manipulate matter
2. ?
3. ?
After 1 I would already be all-powerful

1 wish for another genie
2 wish for that genie to grant unlimited wishes to me
3 wish for that genie to have no rules for the wishes

I wish I was immortal, with a pristine and perfect body, with unlimited power!

Oooh I wish for everybody else to get an asshole genie with one wish. I also want a death note and to be the little girl.

More magical lamps.

1. time control, but so it works like in the movies. not like I can freeze time, but also all matter stops, so I'm fucked.
2. give myself unlimited magic abilities.
3. free the genie, but without that shit where like if he goes free then I'm stuck in the bottle sort of stuff.

>I'm almost 40, so I'm hoping to get my wizard powers a little early.

1.pause and restart time(gotta be specific genies are dicks)
2.teleportation(ie Jumper)
3. Manipulate my body( speed up/ slow down metabolism, increase strength/stamina, bigger peepee, change appearance, self heal, live forever

1>win the biggest powerball payout ever within X amount of time
2>become intimately familiar with every technology I'd need to build a fully sapient android
3>have every member of the political party I hate turned into dumb lizard people

Here's a joke:

A manager and two employees are walking back to work after lunch. They run into a lamp which has a genie. The genie gives each person one wish. Employee #1 was excited and wished to go to Hawaii. The genie snapped his fingers and he was off to Hawaii. Employee #2 was stoked and wished to go to the Bahamas. The genie snapped his fingers and he was off to the Bahamas. The genie then asked the manager what he wanted. The manager said that he wanted both his employees back in his office in 5 minutes.

1, Absolute immortality
2, To be able to turn ONE more person into an immortal like me
3, when I find my soulmate, I become the richest being in existence

1. Ensure an afterlife for all
2. Omnipotence
3. Omniscience

Time manipulation trumps matter manipulation

The ability to make anything from anything

Have a IRL waifu from preferred hentai/animoo

A fully functioning forge with the best equipment in the world

I wish there were no rules
wish for infinite wishes, sorry maaaain no constraining me.

>No rules
Like what kind of rules?

I wish I had super wizard powers that would let me do all the things I can't directly wish for.

sorry, i suppose it would be better to say
"i wish your rules did not apply to me"

1. A bank account that never runs out of money.
2. Absolute immortality and well-being, staying at my current age of 28 forever with no deterioration of physical appearance or health.
3. The rule of law no longer applies to me. I am above all laws in all countries, current or otherwise.

lol your last wish fucked you. soul mates don't exist, only love.

I wish I could wish for more wishes

I wish for 3 more wishes

I wish that after all but one of my wishes
are used up that the last wish is automatically for genie to be set free

I wish for magic powers that can be developed infinitely through training

I wish for ultimate level cellular regenerative capabilities that equal invulnerable immortality

1 unimpeachable internationally embraced fantasy level UBI
2 80 year life minimum
3 maximum health/non violent death

I wish to always be a cute anime girl with lots of cute anime girl friends!

I wish for me and my friends to eternally go on fun adventures!

I wish for none of us to ever become bored or tired of said adventures!

>1. Cure everyone with cancer at this moment without any caveats or ironic twists.
>2. Cure everyone of AIDS at this very moment without any caveats or ironic twists.
>3. Be given $10,000,000 without any caveats or ironic twists.

Why not cure every disease in one wish and free up another wish to use?

1. Immortality
2. Cell-regeneration (never gets old or injured)
3. Everyone does whatever I say.

Good question, it was just the first three that came to mind, but yeah. Better idea tbh.

but you look like shit

>1: all the money in the world
>2: have the power to control the minds of people and become the master
>3: I keep this wish in case something goes wrong

Wish for plate of curly fries
Wish for a cool tek dek
Wish to be transported to an alternate universe where genie gave me infinite wishes

1 women lose the privilege of speech
2 all men except me to be womens
3 unlimited box of jimmies

A flawless ability to manipulate people into doing or believing anything I desire

Money, bigger cock and a dragon dildo that is able to talk to me while i penetrate my anus

>wish to be allowed to wish for more wishes
>wish for more wishes

I would wish to have the ability to make decisions in my own best interest

Wish actually have some game with women

Wish to not be homosexual

>1. You can't wish to kill some one
well fuck this gay shit.
how the fuck am i supposed to kms with this useless excuse for a genie?