


Praise Inari








B4 donations


After donations




more like this please?


good night folks

Cakn't, sry

>randonymous pawsting folder


goodnight, user

awww, alright.

Moar from the artist?

Riftystash, fiftystash, what's their name? Can't find anything.


>text must be shooped. too rude fur dog mom


Hey gents.

It seems to be RiftTheBit

Hello friends




Heya Sunny.



Heya Dani.


got anything going on?

that cock is bigger than her leg

Just a shirt and sweatpants. Somehow my socks aren't matching, so that's new.

Found better source:

Thank you kind user, not much from em.

OH GOD. I misread that as "Got anything on?"

No. Just drinking and nuthin. You?


matching socks are for squares, anyway

Ooh size difference yes

Sanicfag being a pain again or is he behaving?

I'm only here for the sonic shit



pot cookies and muscle relaxers for me tonight


don't hurt me

Ignore him, you have a fan

She gon' have to find a special way to work w/ it

Sounds like a very laid back evening.


Anyone here for Sanic shit... Leave or I will post more of pic related.You know the deal.

that's the plan!

You don't think we're immune to that by now?




>I misread that as "Got anything on?"
Ror, he only does grills

Also drunking. Well kinda finishing at this point



Really? Let's skip to page 7, then.

age_difference is magical ;3

>knot that you couldkn't combine the two






>not even the best page
Show us the good stuff atleast..




Literally showed up just after you pawsted that


>stronk pawster = sanic pawster = AoOO pawster



No, I'm just the stronk poster.






Now, unless you have stronk Sanic porn that isn't DeviantArt-tier autism, please stop.

I'm not a fan of a ton of dicks on one girl. You got any more OC garbage? I liked that bat girl from last thread.


>that isn't DeviantArt-tier autism
But that's an important part of the style!

'Masculinity' kinda connects all of youses tho

>muscly women
>gay hedgehogs
>gay hedgehog novels



Why? Are you guys intentionally trying to piss people off?


unless you're talking about rouge i don't remember



I think that's likely how it started, but now I think it's just turned into "a thing" that some people are doing in sfur threads. Just a fad, it'll go away after a certain amount of time. Remember Hetty?

Actually it's legitimately my preference, I'm not talking about cancer from dA but I do seriously prefer the lighter artwork over most of the stuff that gets posted in these threads.


Hey, Mina. One of my first weird crushes from the old sonic comics. Neat.