Doesn't anyone care

doesn't anyone care

Other urls found in this thread:

dont post the fucking link

thanks for the 3rd thread about this you troglodyte

Lurk before posting fucking retard


>blogs aren't a reactionary playground


what's the most progressive platform then?

mods delete, there are like 4 threads up already

just leave. this is the current state of Sup Forums the most pathetic board on this site. it's all tumblr kids and SJWs who don't know the culture or the rules


Lmao he's fucking right


OP confirmed retard

Jesus kid

shut the fuck up
seriously who gives a fuck how many threads there are.


you are the reason this board is shit you inbred autistic

fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from

Wow someones grumpy

Fuck off cunt stop linking your own article here you worm you've done it three or four times. No one fucking cares

im not that zucc m8

>you worm
what a nice reply i like this one

lmfao that is low quality writing. fuckhead

kys yourself cunt noone even cares

Fuck me sore with a spanner sideways you cucks are putrid. Trying to help ol melon boy and you cunts are having a conniption over threads. Get a grip or kill yourselves

i'm sure some people care!

>trolling I like: it's cool guys
>trolling I don't like: wew pls stop


wow racist much???


I'm already on it though, always was.

>Not tinder

all needledrop fans should die

>a hetero-normative platform
problematic desu
Fucking shills.
Also the entire thing is massively out of context since most of those videos were satiring how edgy those meme rappers were and their die hard fans.
And of course this SJW fuck puts out the meat and relates parody channels to GamerGate and alt-right when none of this even relates to him outside of his early support on this obviously left leaning board and his interview with Sam Hyde who himself doesn't take half that shit seriously and actually does daring absurdist comedy in these peoples' minds that actually appears to be triggering to these absolute snowflakes.
Yet another reason why I hate the mainstream music community, a bunch of fucking sheltered pussies.

it was the better melon-show desu.

And you're fucking dumb, but what's new?

>seriously who gives a fuck how many threads there are.
People who cared about how many worthless threads were in the catalog are gone and subsequently has the whole board. Enjoy and relish what you transformed it into now.

Dude fucking precisely. Everyone is so retarded. And this fucking faggot Ezra doesn't understand that this type of humor from fantano and internet fellows existed before the alt-right; hell the fader probably has it's own alt-right readers given how cringey that whole publication is.

>deleting thatstheplan
sounds like melon stopped taking the gripspill


>just so there's no illusion about what much of Fantano's fanbase is like here's one screenshot of one person on twitter being belligerent

I especially liked how he kept using edgelord with such conviction but also being so fucking blinded by his own agenda that he couldn't see past it