Post the most fucked up things you've ever found ill start

post the most fucked up things you've ever found ill start

What the nigger





White people do not disappoint.
No racism intended, I'm only 5'9.
Roast me







bump 4 interest

>the most fucked up thing
99% of the posts are about cutting your dick off. Wow amazing.


Forgive me, I am but a humble collector of fucked up dicks

good riddance, less stupid people being able to breed.

Send them a l l

Fucking ouch.


Yeah but most of them wouldn't be able to get laid anyway.

Shit, okay. Give me a couple minutes to finish making cotton candy.

You are doing gods work user.

Alright, let's get this show on the road









what the fuck is that on his dick



My guess is dried smegma. Remember kids wash your dick


21 years if cheese

Why tf did this turn into a penis mutilation thread.





This guy actually did shit all for that it jjst looks fucking crazy




I only keep that one because of the joke

Not soon enough


a wizard has appeared



Kek, saved




Just why? What in your life makes you interested in fucking a plush racoon and getting turned on by it. I know why I have my fetishes and where they're coming from but this? Why?

WHY user


Nothing else brings the community together in quite the same way


Why people doing this?



This thread is so wrong in so many levels.



This thread



Should I keep going?

Mentally ill, retarded, for the lulz, stupid or all of the above.

I was in that thread all the way back inthe summer right, when OP was doing whatever Sup Forums said to his cock

Ok now tell me how many people have you killed? Because normal people don't have such collections. So how much of a psychopath are you?

OP kill yourself still have time. You mf go in to therapy A hole.

No you should kill yourself now mf. What you are proud of you attention whore

Eh, I mostly just do it for the shock value. It's fun getting a rise out of a group that normally doesn't blink for shit.

>literally just a bunch of dicks
uh, okay, this got boring real fast

World look how much I am attention whore give me value because o fail at every thing fucking kill yourself you sob


yes duh

It has nothing to do with shock value. You never got respect in life and no one care about your opinion and you fo this as a coping mechanism to seek attention. To feel you belong in some group or some place.

For you bb



thx daddy. idk why all these fucks are being so mean. theyre uncomfortable because they suck







You will die alone. Pscopath do find there ways to family and kids till there old habits act up and then the truth comes out. You was worthless and always will be worthless you think it's shock value to fuel your tiny little ego but in the end thus thread will be gone and you will be all alone no one to show...... Let me guess molested as kid abisive parents now you hate world?


I'm bored of dicks

Jesus fucking Christ dude. You fuck that... thing?

I really need to invest in better keyboard on cellphone
