I'm trying to buy my girlfriend a present

I'm trying to buy my girlfriend a present.

Do you like this blue and gold dress?

>blue and gold


Yes. The blue and gold go good together.
>inb4 idiots say it's different

Looks black and white to me.

Do dogs dream in color?

>not saging this dead facebook shit meme from 2 years ago

Not before the 50's.

Hope you get cancer OP


Old dead meme

Come on man, 2017 is nearly over.

Fake news

You consider facebook shit memes? Hooooooly shit

And gay

ur gay

It's ugly, and you don't have a girlfriend you basement dwelling butt goblin.

looks white and gold to me, friend.

I do have a girlfriend. I have no reason to lie about that.

This thread is cancer and op should be banned

Your anus is cancer. Ban that you fat piece of shit.

Clever and original

You realize saying "clever and original" is in itself stupidly cliche right?

You're a mental midget.

What the fuck? Does anyone else see blue and black?

user took the bait