Sup Forums I need your help

Sup Forums I need your help...
I have the unique opportunity to print ANYTHING I want on my neighbors WiFi printer.
It can be as simple as a dickbutt or trollface, or elaborate as a lengthy scavenger hunt leading deeper and deeper to the greatest troll of all time.
They won't know it's me.
Don't ask why or how.
I'm guessing I'm limited to a certain number of pages/colors.

What do I send?

all dubs in this thread

posting in epic bread




All images in this thread if someone gets trips or 6969.


Print a copy of Mein Kampf

every image in this thread or ur gay

Print the blackest dick you can find



word searches...
cryptic messages...
Ghostly messages...
paperclip on blank paper...
Pictures of neighbors...

here print some porn

What race is this neighbor?

If I roll dubs print this and "I'm going to kill you and your family"

Im high as fuck on LSD right now, send something about how they're a fuckin CIA sleeper agent and they need to wake up


If they won't know, print cp

Print a shit ton of swastikas

so tame. I miss old Sup Forums

Print one page saying pizza delivery and print non stop pizza pictures

Follow it up by getting every pizza place in town to deliver to their house while you print cheese pizza

Send some niggers

I think you should take it in a different route. Leave cryptic and unnerving notes.

"See you soon"
"I've been watching you"
"You have three days to live"

Alternatively, you could just call them a faggot

Print the comic of that fox or whatever it is banging the kid animals

I'm dying

1000 pages all black

Page 1001 simply reads ""

you are fucking stupid

So's your face

Did you even read the first post?
Why has 1000 pages on their printer anyway?!

Tell him your CIA, the world is flat, send him on never ending mission.


nice englando

Dear neighbor,

Order your neighbors pizza and we won't print illegal pics on your printer.

Not your neighbor

Print the following two words on a blank sheet "The game"


print money

Ive been reading about the cia gateway project a lot with much interest.

Its in the cia's website, its declassified.
Its a very bizarre and outlandish read especially coming from such an official source.

Anyway send that over. See if you cant make him go crazy and think he can develop powers.

If i had no context that they went hush on that project and rumours it turned out to be a failure, id be pretty fucking blasted if i got cia documents feeding through my printer about vibrations of the universe and using meditation techniques to tap it and step out of my body and cross between dimensions and time and space, and an existing developed training program that is meant to be a fast track for anyone to achieve it in a week...

Print porn with your neighbors faces photoshopped on it

Ok print out a bunch of partially nude girls, then on top write:there are (?) hot singles in your area looking for sex

printers actually wont do this if you try

8x11 word searches that only have upside down fag as the one word. 10 of them all titled "x/11, password unlocks last puzzle"

Print "fuck jews"

If they have a pet print out lost pet flyers

Print . . .

"Halp!!! I'm trapped inside your computer, and the only way you can set me free is by deleting you System32 folder. Do it now, before I die!"

You'd be printing out low res money, no one is going to believe that anyway

Op are you gonna do anything or are you gonna faggot off

Print nudes of yourself.
Spend the next few days loitering nearby their house in obvious view.
Womyns of the house may ride your dick if you're not a bowl of lard...

might actually try this
more like this
social manipulation
social engineering