Anyone else like pet rattos

Anyone else like pet rattos

Ew they're fucking gross

Put a sharpie up its ass

i have a bro , 12 years old playing minecraft its something ?

Not really, the are very clean and don't have diseases like Ferrell rats. Also they are intelegent and can do tricks.

Only if by RAT you mean RATTLESNAKE, cause only pussies make anything else their pet.



Looks like a Diamond back Ratto Gator

I used to have a rat. It was quite cute

Former rat owner. They're pretty neat and I surprised by it's level of intelligence and his personality. Just never could get over this constant pissing.

Cheddar Chad Money Bags

I used to have four rats, and they were the best little friends I've ever had. They have such great personalities, and they are easily amused.

The bad part about owning pet rats is they typically only live a couple of years. So you get really attached, and then you notice tumors

Had over 500 at one point. Was hard to keep up.

I've had my rats for 2 years now and I'm glad they don't have tumors yet but I think rats can only live to be 3 years old.

So can a dog you degenerate

Please fucking kill yourself

Depends on the rat, really. Healthy individuals can live to be up to 6. the typical life expectancy is between 2 and 3 years, though which sucks.

I have 12, lost 3 already. Shit to lose them but great to have had them.

Long time lurker, first time poster... seems I missed the "how to reply" part of the newfag information manual back in the day.

Dogs are dumber than rats, that's a fact.

i used to breed them, loads of happy little accident's crawling around was heaven. Making friends with one of them was pretty fun, i loved them all but this one little dude always ran to me first, and cuddled. What a fun 2 years we had together, but than he died of the rat version of cancer, i just couldn't see him in pain, so i ended his misery.

Get females, they don't mark their territory. Mine pissed for about 4 weeks and then stopped once they were settled and less nervous about their location