My 8-year old cousin went to his first concert last week. It was Imagine Dragons

My 8-year old cousin went to his first concert last week. It was Imagine Dragons.

How do I tell parents that they've failed their child?

who cares

Death Grips

Next you hop on a Migos & spark a Dutch.

you call your mom and say "hi mom, you have failed in raising me"

Meant to say his parents

is this a joke or are you actually one of those loser 14 year olds that makes fun of small children

Smoke + Mirrors was alright.

cum on their doorknobs and leave a firm but polite not explaining why you did so

Could have gone to a rap concert

He's 8 though. He's allowed to have trash taste in music.

I went to my first concert at 6 and it was Britney Spears.

I went to my first concert when I was 15 and it was Earl Sweatshirt


Just tell them you're an ignorant asshole, should clear things up.

come on, he's just 8 years old

imagine dragons is meant for 8 year olds though

At least it wasn't a Bowie concert


Imagine Dragons is like quintessential 8-year-old-core. I'd say they've at least hit par.

Why do they keep trying to sell this kid as some kind of indie rock icon / aficionado?

I feel like it's Gen Xers projecting their own dream idea of who they wished they were at that age back in the day.

that performance Kendrick Lamar and Imagine Dragons did together at the Grammys a few years back looks absolutely insane so I don't know what the beef is coming from.
go use your energy on something productive, fag

Imagine Dragons are the lamest shit ever and Kenrick is fucking BORING