
Trve patrician metal edition


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First for The Dwelling is GOAT.

speaking of which...
A few threads back I asked about That Metal Show and people complained that it was all dadrock/dadmetal, so what tv show or podcast is there that covers current metal?

liturgy truly is great, we need more avant-garde black metal

That Twilight Force album is sick tho

we /blacking metal/ now

what really happened to Necrophagist?


they got a taste of death

recc something Chinese if possible, excluding Chthonic and Tang Dynasty

The gooknet makes it hard to peruse their music

I really enjoyed pic related. Any rec's?

who here /speedmetal/?

what did they mean by this

Ghost Bath

Deep Mountains s/t

why did they lie to us

I want to piss off the muzzies

How do I do it while keeping it metal related

fuck you

Black Sabbath


Warhorse - As Heaven Turns To Ash

Already been listening, love them.

>if only everyone was a scaruffi drone


listen to Manowar

pleasuring yo mama's bum w/ a mozzarella stick

listen to some white metal

that meme is on the tenth sub level of irony, you wouldnt understand

these guys look manly af





Fucking commies removed all the features from the video

Oh shid they're from my city too, and we just had a mudslime stab a cop



they did it to grand belial's key too
because you can shit on christianity all you want but oy vey don't do the same with islam or judaism

I was just rubbing my balls and then idk what I did by now one of my nuts really fucking hurts

Metal for this feel?

are they usually this hard to find on soulseek? there's like one person with a full album that isn't fucking m4a

You do know that there's a difference between shitting on a religion and being considered an NSBM band, right? There's a ton of stuff critiquing judaism and Islam that isn't given these restrictions.


I'm pretty sure I have literally everything GBK released/had bootlegged DL'd, and I share all my shit on slsk.


your slsk is broken

is that gravestone an album cover? Would listen

What does Sup Forums think of Racer X:

>five counts of attempted murder, five counts of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, one count of criminal flight causing bodily harm and one count of possession of a weapon
Wew lad

paul gilbert is a loveable goofball

I'm on build 2016.1.24 but it normally doesn't matter

will update later if I can confirm it doesn't have a garbage interface

Note that they didn't use a terrorism charge despite an ISIS flag being in the backseat

He was also supposed to be deported under Obama

>listening to something based on the album cover

>he can't judge the quality and style of an album based off of the cover

Give me your most obscure metal album that you have, I need something new to listen to.

I really like this, especially the second track.

lots of nsbm bands are racist, not anti-religious
they hate Islam and Judaism because they hate brown people and Jews, not because they're rational

Yeah this is pretty good, thanks my dude.

i don't know user, if i posted the good stuff here it wouldnt be obscure anymore.


Fuckin drunk on jim beam dude

Reel drnk. Fu k. What shoud i listen too?

>has never heard a great album with a shitty cover
get out, tourist

If it's on the internet in the first place it's not THAT obscure


Basically these guys got high and wrote a bunch of music. Found them while I was just clicking on shitty osdm videos.

Pyrrhon - What Passes For Survival

>there's tons of stuff that's been on yt for years and has it's on the internet, therefor not THAT obscure

I own music that can't be heard anywhere online in the first place



oh, well I just made some music that not even I have heard
I will never listen to it, making it much more obscure than that totally mainstream shit you own, thereby making the music you own not obscure
you fucking pleb

It's only obscure if you destroy it at this point, so the possibility of it ever being heard is nothing

Grand Belial's Key is special.

The cartoony ethnoforgery of some of those "Semitic-sounding" riffs is uncomfortably close to shitty bands like Melechesh. Of course, GBK hate the culture they're depicting, so incorporating them seems self-defeating, but the highlight on "Kosherrat" is the songwriting. The lyrics depict obscure Judaic rituals, sanitary practices, and circumcision--ironically there's probably more appeal here for actual Zionists who listen to black metal as a guilty pleasure than Neo-Nazis. But the riffs ARE great, and it's the funniest GBK album by some margin. The depiction of Jews is so over-the-top sinister it's like something out of a Borat skit.

Don't lump them in with other whackass NSBM bands.


Thanks, Satan.

>666 trips
what is the best gbk to start with

Im SUPER drunk man. Like im gobna thtow up soon. Wbat the fuck should i listen to? Give me genuine answers mann. No bulshit

high on fire

and if you want some real good sludge try grief

butthole surfers - clean it up

Live in Manassas VA, USA 27.03.1993


This. It's an instrumental metal demo released by a side project of an already unknown band called Lycanthrope from Hungary.

Their last.fm listeners has skyrocketed from 7 to 28 in the past 5 years.


Everyone and their mom will tell you their album Forest of Equilibrium is their best but it is boring to me. The lead singer Lee Dorrian was in Napalm Death. Also check out Candlemass, and Pentagram for more old school Black Sabbath vibes. Maybe some eyehategod too.

The thing that pisses me off the most about Arghoslent and the other bands connected to it, is that the members are all Northern Virginian, Fairfax County Yuppies and Blue-Bloods.

I go to a state college just 3 miles south of Oakton where they're based, and I was shocked at how stupidly rich and overpriced that area is. It's one of the richest towns in the entire USA. So rich and overpriced, that I can't afford even the crappier living spaces in that area. It also doesn't help that Arghoslent and Grand Belial's Key guitarist Alexander Halac's buddy, Grimnir Wotansvolk (Grand Belial's Key Vocalist, Real Name: Richard Mills) is a silver-spoon-fed member of the illustrious DuPont family (the same family who made a fortune from the chemical company). Halac himself is known for a love of asinine soccer hooligan gangs. Guitarist for both bands, Nick Mertaugh was also a part of Twisted Tower Dire, a power metal band based in fucking Chantilly, which is composed mostly of big, expensive McMansions. Learning all of this, made me realize that they likely aren't a bunch of super-tough thugs who actually fight and work like they present themselves, but a bunch of rich, spoiled candy-asses. Makes their painfully obvious racism even more grating.

Ohhh this is cool, thanks dude.

I'll have to check out Lycanthrope as well.

Mutant Scum - Field Recordings

Slave Morality: The Post

forgot the link


judeobeast assassination


I personally like "Judeobeast Assassination" and "Mocking the Philanthropist" the most, although "Kosherrat" is good. A shame Cazz couldn't perform on that one.

I think the only bonafide working class bloke connected to them is Cazz "The Black Lourde of Crucifixion" Grant. He works at a chemical plant if I recall. Has a couple of kids, too.

You probably won't find it. Maybe.
It was uploaded by some faggot on P2P long ago that stole their music and put it under his own name.

I got into contact with the actual artists via message and they said they're called Lycanthrope.

Here's their demo

and also an album by Skogyr who does really similar stuff, this is quite a bit better to listen to. Again, it's all instrumental.

>Learning all of this, made me realize that they likely aren't a bunch of super-tough thugs who actually fight and work like they present themselves, but a bunch of rich, spoiled candy-asses.

And people say Horseshoe Theory isn't real.

good taste

Thoughts on Nargaroth? Anyone listen to his/their latest album?

It was good but nothing remarkable

Rasluka Part II is a fucking great track

Haven't heard much else aside from Black Metal Ist Krieg, even that album kinda bored me

I never said good albums always had good album covers, did I?

Prosatanica Shooting Angels is my go-to raw BM record for background noise, since it is pleasingly lo-fi. Good album, have not heard much of their other stuff.

Sometimes I forget to brush my teeth. What is an album o help me remember

far beyond driven

whats the consensus on GGUW?

Greatest Christian Metal band ever:

Any thoughts on Cauchemar? "Chappele ardente" was released last year, but I don't hear Sup Forumstant metalheads discuss it that much.

Pic related: lead singer wrote that book

Lester Maddox - Gothic Lore

Cult classic: