Adam Ruins Everything

Why Music Theory Is Really Just A Theory!

holy fuck i hate this guy

never even seen his show but I hate how he looks so much
just the title of it is fucking grating

I don't

Adam ruins his kids asshole

>le numale grin
>le numale hairdo
>le numale glasses
>le numale undersized blazer

Bet you got mad at one of his videos you losers.

Why do so many faggots have this same haircut?

I would never watch a video featuring such faggot

This guy is like distilled essence of reddit

His videos are much better than you would expect from how he looks. He outs the diamond jew in one of them, and the circumcision jew in another. Honestly, personality aside, information wise - he's pretty based.

>circumcision jew

t. kike

Jews practice circumcision and the Hebrew practice of circumcision is the origin of the practice in Christianity. What are you confused about?

This, the real faggots in this thread are the ones that take their "nu male" insecurities so seriously they refuse to even watch something on a topic they might find interesting.

Misinformation is not welcomed here.

>all these NEETs getting triggered just by his look alone
Lmao. One level below SJWs if look alone is enough.

>Jews practice circumcision
>The origin of the practice of circumcision in Christianity is in it's roots as a Jewish, Abrahamic faith

Is one of these statements is false?

Early in Christian history, they decided becoming Jewish (which includes being circumcised) wasn't needed to become Christian.

How is this thread about music

It was until fucking pol fags got in.
Read the thread.

That doesn't address the statement as stated. the reason the practice ever existed for non-jews was the Jewish tradition - hence "origin". The statement:
>the origin of the practice of circumcision in Christianity is in it's roots as a Jewish, Abrahamic faith true and not "misinformation".

The first reply doesn't even mention music

It is true but it is worded in a confusing way. The way it's worded makes it sound like it's practiced in a non-Jewish religious group and not a national group (the US).

Adam ruined this thread

Everyone who commits male genital mutilation should be killed.

It's his repulsive numale persona that makes people vomit

the aesthetics are just easy cheap shots but these types of individuals do dress alike

>Killing doctors will solve anything

I hate him but I also want to fuck him and feel guilty afterward

I find the guy unbearable to watch, but if he helps clear misconceptions to the general public through an easily digestible TV format, then I don't mind. I watched one video and he essentially treats the viewer like a child, but I guess that's the only way to hold the average viewer's attention.


I know, I feel disgusting but what a fucking bear though.

It's like Penn and Teller Bullshit! except fucking garbage and not funny wowzers

You're a try hard intellect based on this post.

I remember when I used to go on collegehumor, why are they so shit now?

He should stick to left wing pandering.


It will only solve everything. Frauds, one and all!