Just dropped 2 of the top-5 singles this year

>just dropped 2 of the top-5 singles this year
his new album is gonna easily be AOTY isnt it?

It leaked like a week ago you moron where have you been



Le ebin deep voiced ginger cockney kid

Find it yourself, lazy bitch boy

give me the link lazy bitch boy

how can I get paid to post on mu

Ginger Moot?

No you fucking idiot

literally who


u mad I don't know your shitty pop artist?

>king krule
>pop artist
>was right about you being an idiot

No I just think it's funny that you took more time to enter the thread, type out"Literally Who", fill in the captcha, and click post when you could have just reverse image searched

not good at all.

I've tried. I've tried so hard to like this guy, because he's been influenced by so many artists I like, and yet I find his music boring

lol you're clearly mad that I called him a literal who

This is where I'm at, so many people I respect are caping for this dude but I've only ever liked him on the Ratking album

what do you think of tracks like
>lizard state
>portrait in black and blue
>half sman half shark
i would say they are outliers in his discography if you find it boring

No not really

>lmao this isn't pop!! far from katy perry or one direction

Half Man Half Shark and Portrait in Black and Blue are OK, but then again... I don't really want to listen to them again? They don't appeal to me? And of Lizard State I only like the instrumental.
Maybe he just ain't for me, but it sucks to like so few contemporary artists.

well what artists do you like?

The Smiths, Blur, Radiohead, Swans, Joy Division

>caring about the quality of singles


with the latest single though I've heard people saying that the leaked version of Half Man Half Shark is a significantly different mix from the official version. Could be the songs are being released in single mixes but more likely the leak isn't the complete, finished work

>he listens to leaks
american i assume?

Literally who is this man?
Why should I give half a shit if Sup Forums isn't even gonna tell me who this is.


I'm amazed that a fan of the smiths can find king krule boring


Ocean Bed is his greatest track, and 6FUTM is a straight classic

The Ooz would be nearing another 10 from me if this was the tracklist:
1. Sublunary
2. Biscuit Town
3. Emergency Blimp
4. Dum Surfer
5. Vidual
6. Half Man Half Shark
7. A Slide In (New Drugs)
8. The Ooz
9. Slush Puppy
10. Czech One

>no idea who this is
>image search
>"king krule"
>i've heard that name before but never listened
>youtube "king krule"
>"easy easy" first result
is this guy retarded or is this a joke?

Archie is a bit of an autismo but other than that he's a normal boy.

idk who the fuck thought cockneys should be allowed to sing


is this a /brit/ thread lads?

>no Cadet Limbo


If you're going to make a thread about a guy but not include the name in the title or with the picture, expect to see literally who posters.

I'd rather make a literally who post than image search.


You have a threads worth of song titles to google, why would you rather shitpost than help yourself?

please fucking god let this be true. the leaked album is a legit clusterfuck but 5-6 of the songs are brilliant. it's 19 fucking tracks.

It's sad to me when someone as shit as King Krule receives attention purely because he's making something different than the droves of other shit music being made and hyped.

>being severely mentally retarded

>not knowing who this is in current year

my fucking sides the newfaggotry.

a lot of the tracks on the leak are really short too, maybe the finished version is even longer? I love the leak tho, it's in my top 10 for the year, maybe even top 5

what's your AOTY, Friendo? I'm genuinely interested.

i think the leak as an album is too long and drags way too much in the second half to be AOTY.

if he were to cut it to the top 10-12 songs it could def be in the conversation.


this guy's music is tumblrcore pleb bait


not him but the smiths are my favorite band, and i did find him boring at first. but i just kept listening to 6 feet beneath the moon and eventually it clicked. they're not very similar artists.