ITT: Lyrics that broke you emotionally

ITT: Lyrics that broke you emotionally

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>shake it off, ah ah ah

>I don't live in your mind the way that you do in mine

>Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by.
>A chance that you might love me too.

Can't you see it's all flown out of my hands
And our clothes are all too often ripped
And our teeth are all too often gnashed
And it lasts as long as it possibly can

> you're still young, that's your fault.
> there's so much you have to go through.

actually, father and son is pretty much perfect. so are: hallelujah, ballad in plain d...

On that matter:

I don't know when the sun beams end
and the starlights begin
It's all a mistery
And I don't know
How a man decides
What's right for his own life
It's all a mistery


>when you coming home son I don't know when
>but we'll get together then
>I know we'll have a good time then

Dad, I've got some questions
One, where the fuck is mom?
Two, is she ever coming home?
Three, why did she leave us?

I know those are sort of the same question
But I'm feeling sorry for myself
Why am I always sad?
I keep pointing fingers but karma always get back at me

Sometimes, I lay awake thinking about the past and all the shitty things that happened
The way it all turned out and the way that things are now
What are scars but memories we can't forget?
Well Mom, you gave me a lot of scars and they really haven't faded
We all get your letters but you can't quite seem to get it
We all forgive, but none of us can forget
I hope you're doing well, maybe we'll talk again one day?
I love you, I loved you never

We'll be alright; we've made plans to hold our heads high



a nice heart and a white suit and a baby blue sedan

the best
that I can

>but don't hate her when she gets up to leave

To me this lyric is about acceptance. Accepting that you shouldn't hate people for not wanting to be with you, which contrasts with the idea of unrequited love that's present in most other songs. Hit me hard the first time I heard it as it was kind of like forcing you to accept the truth despite constantly ignoring it.

And I've replaced my heart with metal parts
And I'm working out just fine, but I can't get it to start
We're machines that breathe and weep and look really good trained to kill




>it's a missile to my chest
>I miss you yes
>but I don't want to miss you
>in fact, this is in jest
>I don't really miss you

>Shot through the heart and you're too late
>You give love a bad name

Like you im really not fine

Mother I tried please believe me,
I'm doing the best that I can.
I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through,
I'm ashamed of the person I am.

HOLY fucking shit i love this fucking album fuck

best itt

>She's so sweet when she yanks on my meat
>Down on the street you know she can't be beat
>What the hell

The Smith Street Band is so fucking bittersweet.

What did you think of the album. I listened to it once a few months ago, but I'm scared to listen to it because it might be shit

>3 years loved you every single day, made me weak it was real for me
>now i’ll fake it every single day till I don’t need fantasy, till I feel you leave.
>but I still remember every thing: how we’d drift buying groceries, how you’d dance for me
>i’ll start letting go of little things till I’m so far away from you

Falling out of love sucks. Especially your first.

>For the first time in my life I'm smiling when I wake

>But there's a bad man in everyone
>No matter who we are
>There's a rapist and a Nazi living in our tiny hearts
>Child pornographers, and cannibals, and politicians too
>There's someone in your head
>Waiting to fucking strangle you

>So here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
>People love you more, oh nevermind
>Oh nevermind
>In fucking fact, Mrs. Robinson
>The world won't care whether you live or die
>You live or die

Don't care if it's edgy.

>pussy stays on my mind

>You realize the sun doesn't go down
>it's just an illusion cause by the world spinning round
the flaming lips are one of those bands where their lyrics just sound whimsical and pointless, but if you actually take the time to pay attention to it you see that everything is really well written and thought out

Come on, let's find a way to be happy
Not like Plankton, he'll never be satisfied
Always complaining about his size
To his computer wife
You think he would've found by now
To be thought as a king
You don't need a crown

hits hard for a spongebob song.


look into the night sky
looking towards the big lights
looking out to be free
suddenly something passes by my window
i feel it in the darkness
i get to feel it sometimes
following the street lamps
wondering how we're ever meant to hide
going to take a spaceship
fly back to the stars
alien observer in a world that isn't mine

>100 on my wrist
>80 on my wrist
>D Rose
>D Rose
>D Rose
>D Rose

>And it's the downward spiral, got me suicidal
But too scared to do it so these pills will be the rifle
>Surpassing all my idols, took the wrong turn
>But can't go back now so let that blunt burn
>'Cause now it's my turn if I fuck it all up
>Took a while to get here now I depend on these drugs

>You don't like to be touched
>Let alone kissed

>Does his love make your head spin?


>fat man
>black and white and brown man
>tell me about the color of your soul

I've been called a sinner
Wrong doer
Evil doer
Worker of iniquity
Bad example
Scoundrel, villian, knave
Viper, wretch, the devil incarnate
Monster, demon
Fallen angel
Murderer and thief
Lost sheep
Black sheep, black guard
Loafer and sneak
A good for nothing
Ass fucking
Son of a bitch
I've been called a sinner

>glass on the pavement under my shoe
>without you is all my life amounts to

From the same album
>he's not like the other boys
>from around here, he says nothing
>and sits in his room afraid to move
>and he's afraid to drive a car
>so sad he is

Most emotional album of all time come at me

>we bathe ourselves in urine because it's good for the skin...and it flushes away all traces of sin

>What's the point of this song? Or even singing?
>You've already gone, why am I clinging?
>Well I could throw her out, and I could live without
>And I could do it all for you
>I could be true
>Tell me if you want me to lie
>'Cause this has got to die

at a party feeling slightly spooky and withdrawn
like he could be underwater the mighty mother with her hundred arms
swept all aside
I hate to walk behind
other people ambition


"I thought I saw you yesterday
But I know it wasn't you, ‘cause you passed away, Dad" I love how the last word changes the entire meaning of the song. I kind of get emotional when i re listen now since I can relate heavily to it.

>watch what was become never again

spending my money in 12 dollar increments
milkshake plus tip that adds up to more than I think
and I admit my heart is a laughingstock but that's why that's why that's why that's why
because I don't want to be perceived as
as a thing you can believe in
i'm an optical illusion
and pretty soon I think i'm leaving

I should have known better
Nothing can be changed
The past is still the past
The bridge to nowhere
I should have wrote a letter
Explaining what I feel, that empty feeling

My life is full of what's not here
I'll go away and save myself
I'll make you proud someday
I just won't be around to see your face

>I'm not living
>I'm just killing time

>I don't want to live like this anymore
>I don't want to live at all
>I don't want to make this face anymore
>But if I don't, that's all
>I don't love
>I don't feel anything
>I don't feel anything where this love should be
>I don't want to feel this anymore
>But if i don't, that's fake
>I don't want to do this anymore
>But there's nothing else to take
>I don't love
>I don't feel anything
>I don't feel anything where this love should be

>No matter how I try
>No matter what I say
>I'm blamed, I'm shamed
>I'm judged unfairly

You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

>And I was green, greener than the hill
>Where flowers grew and the sun shone still
>Now I'm darker than the deepest sea
>Just hand me down, give me a place to be

>I am entombed in my bed
>With those words that you said, that I kept :
>That I'm not the only one
>That you've never looooooved

I have seen too much!
I haven't seen enough, you haven't seen it

I'll laugh until my head comes off
I'll swallow until I burst, until I burst, until I

Women and children first and children first and children

Here I'm allowed
Everything all of the time
Here I'm allowed
Everything all of the time

The internet song

>And I've replaced my heart with metal parts
>And I'm working out just fine, but I can't get it to start

>All around me
>In the air hangs a wreath
>Of blackest bile, and smoke
>That only I can see
>I open up my heart
>And let it all in
>And it kills all my love
>And hope for everyone

>And it hasn't been easy on you,
>I know that more than most.
>I am born to be alone,
>I am just some lonely ghost

>All around us
>Hangs an air of darkest doom,
>And it flows out my lungs
>And slowly fills the room

>I open up my heart
>And stick my fingers in,
>But you will never want
>What I have to give

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look? Ooh
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fulfill the Book

I know how I feel when I'm around you
I don't know
How I feel when I'm around you, around you

I see the twinkling stars
I drop a photograph
I bend to pick it up
My heart leaps as I see your face
Stare up at me from the paper
As if still alive on this earth
When I return my eyes to the stars
They gathered
They puckered
and are blind...

You can hate this song all you want for the massive overexposure it received but the lyrics are sad as FUCK and destroy me every goddamn time.

>spend all your time waiting for that second chance
>for a break that would make it okay
>there's always some reason to feel not good enough
>and it's hard at the end of the day

>I need some distraction, oh beautiful release
>memories seep from my veins
>let me be empty and weightless and maybe
>I'll find some peace tonight

>in the arms of the angel
>fly away from here
>from this dark, cold hotel room
>and the endlessness that you fear

>you are pulled from the wreckage
>from your silent reverie
>here in the arms of the angel
>may you find some comfort here

>but I could have told you, Vincent
>this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you


>We don't really like what you do
>We don't think anyone ever will
>It's a problem that you have
>and this problem's made you ill


>Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
>You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
>And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
>No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

He offerd me some money if i let him use my name, I told him I liked bunnies, and then he went away

>I hurt myself today
>to see if I still feel
>I focus on the pain
>the only thing that's real

>Raise your right hand
>Tell me you want me in your life
>Or raise your red flag
>Just when I want you in my life

Run away
Now it's Halloween
The safe bet is on your knees
Bow your head to the Trinity
That's what blind dogs believe
But I've heard that before

Dead on my feet
While my nightmare walks
I fell asleep
Where the freeway talks
Suffer to swim and dying to sink
These things in the air
They will make you think
Make you think
Make you think

Same with Sometimes.

>I don't know, maybe you could not love me now.

>dog of depth in the dirt
>they buried you deep doggy
>you're the best doggy
>my friend has a doggy
>she's a real nice dog, wish you could chase her 'round my yard

>I remember when I first got you dog

>because the hardest thing is never
>to repent for someone else
>it's letting people in

still fucks me up every time

memeing aside, "you're mom would drink until she was no longer speaking, and dad would think of all the different ways to die" is heartbreaking and too relatable

I know mama, your little baby
But these streets raised me crazy
Product of my environment, nothing can save me
Thanks for letting me bloom for your wisdom for your womb
For the roof over my head, for my shoes, for my bed
For the most important lesson in life was when you said
"Strive for what you believe in, set goals and you can achieve them"
Thanks for the days you kept me breathing when my asthma was bad
And my chest was weezin', thanks for the look of love
Just as I was leavin'
On nights you thought that I wouldn't come back
That left you grieving
Thanks for holdin' down the household when times was bad
As the man, I apologize for my dad
When the rent was due, you would hustle like a pimp would do
That wasn’t the life meant for you
You’re a queen, you deserve the cream
Everything that gleamed, everything that shines
Everything that’s mine

>I remember back one year when Daddy had no money
>Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up
And stuck 'em under the tree
>And said some of 'em were from me
>‘Cause daddy couldn't buy 'em

>I got buffoons eating my pussy while I watch cartoons

Really breaks my heart

>A backpack for when she goes to school a couple years from now
>You were thinking ahead to a future you must have known deep down would not include you
>Though you clawed at the cliff you were sliding down
>Being swallowed into a silence that is bottomless and real

came to this thread to post this desu. user you are my nigger today

Runaway's vocoder part is unironically beautiful

>When the world is sick can't no one be well
>But I dreamt we was all beautiful and strong

>don't ever let anyone tell you you deserve that

>Sometimes I forget how I've always been sick
>And I don't have the will to keep fighting it

>It's coming on Christmas, They're cutting down trees, They're putting up reindeer, And singing songs of joy and peace, Oh I wish I had a river, I could skate away on

I actually prefer Joni's lyricism to Dylan's, just seems like she's actually trying to say something

>like a death of the heart
>jesus, where do I start?
>but you're still the one pool where I'd happily drown

>Always feeling tired, smiling when required
>Write another year off and kindly resign

>Crimson pain, my heart explodes.
>my memory in a fire, and someone will listen.
>At least for a short while.

>keaton henson
my negro. "Alright" from his newest album fucks me up every time

>Come and see me in the morning
>I'll be in the sunrise
>Hoping that it's rays don't burn a hole in my eyes
>You know me I worry
>Could always use some pity
>Scared to do a session if it's in the city
>You and I are monsters
>We'll not find another
>Cannot be together
>Lest we eat each other

>Should they kill me
>Your love will fill me
>As warm as the bullets (Yeah)
>I'll know my purpose
>This war was worth this
>I won't let you down

This, so much this, and I can't even say why really.

>Now your bowl is empty
>And your feet are cold
>And your body cannot stop rocking
>I know
>It hurts to let go
>Since the day we found you
>You have been our friend
>And your voice still echoes in the hallways of this house
>But now
>It's the end

Ah, my dog is getting old, fuck.

my nigger

>You can mix it all up, you can try to pretend
>But you can't change anything, can't change >anything, in the end

>poor you, poor you. No one understands you, poor you. Poor you.

>I called out, I called out
>Right across the sea
>But the echo comes back empty
>And nothing is for free

When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb

But this makes me happy, user.
It's like he, after all, is always holding your hands through life.

>Going in a circle, getting lower every time
>Say it isn't hurting but I never see you smile
>Asking for the doctor and calling you a priest
>You're living on your knees

>Rocket boy, you burn so bright
>And I believe
>You lie so beautifully
>When you get high
>You're all alone, rocket boy
>Come home

>Dad it's me again, I hate to call
>Could you come down?
>There's been an accident
>Were you involved?
>Yes, sir, no, sir, they say I was

>Got home, cried alone
>The video will surely show
>No one knows, I came this close
>To being me
>But I lost us both

>Going in a circle and it's keeping you around
>You've been here forever
>But you've never been found
>You didn't want a witness
>And I didn't wanna see
>You living on your knees

>Rocket boy
>Rocket boy, come home

>I met a woman, she had a mouth like yours, she knew your life
>She knew your devils and your deeds, and she said,
>"Go to him, stay with him if you can,
>But be prepared to bleed"