Its the year of the chubby puppy

Its the year of the chubby puppy







come back with a horsecock dildo and im interested

No o3o







more gifs










>Fat sack of shit gets to raw dog that thick ass
Fuck my life


It's the year of the slav





Dat stg 44



more gifs



The year of the the slav is strong in this thread



You'll be missed Arkan
Thanks for killing all them Muslims



what's this persons name
I need more

How do you get such a fat ass? A-Asking for a friend...


Twitter is TimbyWuff. Enjoy. Am gonna go eat. Also if interested I have a collection of 240+ private vids not posted anywhere else. Message TimbyWuff on telegram.


I eat lots of food and play lots of video games.

I don't want to get fat though, aside from my butt...








I don't understand these threads.

start 'em off young
if you get to them early, you can mold their brains into doing incredibly dangerous things, like kill people in other countries.






Being chub is fun~
Is just me showing off my pics/gifs. With the usual trolls o:

Is funny though cus if they thinks any of this sissy shit will make me stop posting the need to rethink their life














Dat type 99







Thanks for bumping my thread and keeping it relevant. :3












