What's the deal with white people?

what's the deal with white people?

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They're goofy

no clue


They believe in personal responsibility and family values?????


Wine tours and casseroles

As a white person I can confidently say that while often times we are categorically recognized as a binary group we are in fact a shattered diaspora of individuals with uncommon features and characteristics.

We have socio-economic dominance currently over the declining empire of the United States, and as such our more cringe worthy representatives are broadcast far and wide for all to see.

However, I think most likely that the other races have most likely the same skeletons in their closets just significantly less advertised.

As the Chinese take the reigns of the world economy we'll see that exchange in the popular media as well. Perhaps even sooner.

I sometimes wonder what the edgy white minority trope will play out like in popular global media if most of modern society isn't destroyed at that point.

I'd shag her.

And her mom too probably.

lol, middle class white people actually believe this as a core tenet of their ego and personal identity :D

lmao enjoy your artificial moral crap of no value

Hahaha morality lacks function taht's y kids with single parents do drugs and join gangs. Grrrrr if only the government gave those kids more money. Fucking Republicans.

>congratulating white people for sharing the instinctual ethics of social mammals like Dolphins, Elephants and Dogs

the state of white people everyone

na, your cringy ass would slip on spaghetti as you're trying to flirt and you'd run home as you're being laughed at

>personal responsibility and family values
>on Sup Forums

You think that family in OP's pic hang out on Sup Forums?

>implying that niggers have ethics
>insulting dolphins and dogs by comparing them to niggers

Ooga booga go back to Africa, Obamasharquaneequius..

They don't. That's the point, you faggot.

but they do in their own cultural way, and they don't rape their children or argue for it like white people do

If the point is that they're not on Sup Forums, then what's the point at all? It's good they aren't on Sup Forums. This is a waste and a trash dump.

>their own cultural way
The fruits of their efforts are definitely functioning. It's too bad the FBI fudges the numbers, otherwise we'd be able to statistically prove it.
>don't rape children

Not dubs so I can't take this post seriously
Soz fam your full of shit

>He thinks he can be a family person while browsing 4plebs

notice how he's not denying that white people rape their children

I don't have a family. I'd like one one day and I'm sure I won't have time to dick around on Sup Forums once I do, but for now I'm on schoolbreak, so fuck me, right?
Not any more than any other race. Probably less. It was just such a ridiculous claim that I thought a 'lol' would suffice. Apparently you don't know that raping a child is a good way to get rid of AIDs in the mind of an African. Apparently you go off of memes rather than numbers as far as sexual abuse in America goes.

this ENTIRE system is based on a set of delusional "moral values", it must be destroyed as soon as possible

have you been following the news in africa? it seems you havent.

>be white child
>gets raped brutally

Fo rael

We're trying to be nice and its stressful.
We used to own everything and everyone.

I'm fundamentally a nihilist, but the thing you have to realise is that morality exists for basically darwinistic reasons. The delusion that morality has an objective basis is useful for keeping you safe and mentally sound. A decay of morality won't uphold a society that allows you to shitpost on the internet with anarchist memes.

Essentially be nice until SHTF, then get tough quick or die.

>The delusion that morality has an objective basis is useful for keeping you safe and mentally sound
no shit you're a self-destructive nihilist who's trying to justify his own failings. morality absolutely keeps you mentally sound, morals, charisma and empathy and goes hands to hand which is why celebrities and successful politicians have such warming personality types as they're able to empathize with other people which allows them to motivate others and socially maneuver so well. women are also attracted to "passionate" men because its a sign of leadership, leaders being empathetic and encouraging cooperation between the tribe which is key for progress

GTFO with your dumb shit nihilist garbage thinking "i'm shit, but that's ok because the world is also shit" will get you nowhere

I'm just saying that morality is objectively a social construct and therefore malleable and exists to serve a function. There is no higher power that ordains what is and isn't moral. I'm a very moral person even though I recognise this is all true. I don't lie, I don't cheat, etc. I recognise these things serve a very practical purpose for me.

When edgy tards realise morality isn't actually being ordained by a higher power is when you get anarchists and leftists. If they realise they need the moral superstructure, they relapse.

Whats the deal with black people?
They're not black and they're not people

They keep all sub-human races alive, that's their deal. Pic related. If the US was 100% white, the government would run budget surplussed year after year. We literally wouldn't know what to blow our money on. Well... maybe bombing the rest of the world to shit so they leave us alone for once.

Source: thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/05/11/fiscal-impact-of-whites-blacks-and-hispanics/

They are the master race and rule the world. That's what's up

they are too perfect, too human and too beautiful

Willow there could use a good bbc deep dicking

chek'd lord satan

Your statement will be false though in a not so distant future

We let women rule and they ruin fucking everything and now the rest of the less evolved population are coming in to give us a brutal assraping. Those of us who aren't outright killed are even now turning into niggerloving wigger scumbags
It was nice while it lasted

>We let women rule and they ruin fucking everything
the Jews pushed the feminists and sexual liberation meme without the thought of the consequences