Guessing all our lives are sucky in some way

Guessing all our lives are sucky in some way.
So what are Sup Forums's New Years Resolutions?
>Quitting porn
>Using Sup Forums less
>Forcing myself to talk to girls and shit

> already done with unregistering every accounts on the webz
> uninstall all apps
> break contact with mother, last contact I have
> be alone cuz thats nize
> probably lose work
> become homeless
> heroin
> ded

Mine are:
>Learn C++


>finish buying the additional bits needed for the sheriff uniform I started, fuck my partner wearing it
>Finish cbt with my psychologist
>Draw something every day no matter how bad it is
>Make it harder for my estranged family to find me, even if they try
>Have a generally better time than 2017

Inb4 tits, i'm gay

▲ ▲

>Make it harder for my estranged family to find me, even if they try


How about none? This new years resolution bullshit is just a scam. Every year people say they are going to change but in a no th they just go back to there normal lives. Just another day, just another year.

Comfy and cozy... way to shoot for the stars user

It's true. They drained everything they could from me. I spent the best years of my life when I could have been out in the world learning who I was running around like their house nigger. My "Mother" depended on me to do everything, from cooking to cleaning to shop runs.

Then she kicked me out when I was 27, with the threat of police if I didn't leave.

Then for the next 4-5 christmases in a row, she'd reel me in with the "We just want a nice family christmas user, we don't have much time left", i'd show up for christmas, and over and over she would kick me out with the threat of cops - and I literally did nothing to deserve it.

I met my partner 2 years ago, and mother was so angry that someone else was getting my attention she tried breaking us up multiple times. Told him deeply personal shit about me that I had already told him. Accused me of only loving him for what he had.

The final straw was when she sold me a car, and I was paying it off. I hit a rough patch financially, and couldn't make payments. She rang up, all sweet sounding, asking how I was, and then brought up money. I had the phone on speaker because I thought it was going to be a nice call. Next thing she's demanding that I go get food from charity to pay her. I say i'll sell the car, just to get her off my back.

A few days pass, and she calls back, all sweet sounding again. "user, your dad loves that car, he wants it back, and to keep it in the family." Despite paying her over $1,100 for it, I gifted it back to them on the condition that dad kept it.

Next thing I know, it's on facebook for sale for $3000, and they have no intention of paying me back my $1,100 that I had paid. So I cut contact. I'd had enough. They have snaked me out of thousands of dollars, and most of my life.

Mutual friends now look at me like i'm the biggest piece of shit. I guess she's telling them some bullshit. I've moved suburb, so she won't find me. Next to change my phone number, hell, even my name.

To stop fucking my dog and find a girlfriend


>quit watching porn
>cut back on drinking
>eat better

Also, the whole significance of having the phone on speaker, was that was the first time my partner heard who she really was. She had put on a mask and hidden it from him. But when she told me to go get help from charities to eat instead of taking care of myself, his eyes widened.

I'm glad to have that cunt out of my life.

Holy shit user!
Fuck 'em

Yup, that's the plan. Leave them behind in their misery. I don't even wanna know when they're dead, i've already mourned my losses and moved on.

Harsh, I know, but there is so much more I could write, but hey, we're trying to kick off a happy new year, right?

Anyway, Happy New Year, and all the very best.

I wish you luck user

Right back at you, user.

Don't make a bunch of stupid fucking resolutions you're not going to bother sticking to.

That goes for anyone reading this right now. If you can't resolve to something year round, you just don't want it bad enough, so fuck off with your pretentious garbage. Bunch of tools.

Thanks for your contribution, you toxic asshole

waahhh my safe space

Mine crypto, grow weed, get a better job. Stop giving a fuck about morals and laws, and rake the cash in.

Don't you feel bad for leaving your father all alone with that woman?

He's just as bad as her, pawned all of my stuff to get heroin when I was a kid.

You sound like a trumpcuck snowflake. Maybe you should make a few resolutions.. It's never too late.

Can you not?

Trump can suck my massive steel balls and so can you.

You weak fags in here, all talking about this same shit. You're not going to change anything, you're not going to be better than last year. You want to talk snowflakes? This here's a thread for you all to post about what you wish your life was and feel good instead of actually fucking doing any of it.

You can all get fucked. Unless that's your resolution, then it's not happening.

waahhh my safe space

To hell with family user, you did the right thing. Never ever look back or go back, except maybe to piss on her grave

Yea like you are gonna keep any resolutions user

I like this guy

You're only samefagging negativity in this thread because you're so offended when people talk about reflection and self-betterment. You're AFRAID to face yourself and ask "how can I be better"?

>You sound like a trumpcuck snowflake

looks like cuckold speech from brainless dem

Nice projection. I'm already well on my way.

Oh look, we have two

Because everyone is a closet selfish asshole. All people want to do is get all the rewards and attention with NO effort. Look at any gym I'm January and see how many actualy stay the month

rape more

It's literally Jan 1st. The new year isent even 24 hours old yet and you have as high hopes as all other people with "resolutions". I give it a month

Well on your way to posting the same shit here again next year.

I'm annoyed that all you facebook faggots that post here because you think Sup Forums's k00l are here spamming the same gay shit you should be posting there. Go talk to your friends and family about your resolutions so they can think the same shit about you that I'm posting up front.

See you next year, anons! Can't wait to hear about all your results!

Only those who really believe change. Obviously a noncommittal, stagnant worm such as yourself would find it impossible.

Oh, is it? Literally?

World is shit, country is shit, family is shit, people are shit. Keep looking up user so you won't see that cliff your walking towards.

Mine is to get plastic surgery on my face to make it more feminine and eventually get breast implants. I've already saved 50k for everything.

Again, you don't know me. You're talking to a mirror right now. What is honestly SO HORRIBLE about resolutions? Making yourself better? I feel like I'm talking to a 5 year-old

Buy a car or house, 10000000x better investment, also trans have a 50% suicide rate.

None of those things are shit to me. Things can't be that bad where you are... you have the internet, obviously

I'm talking to a monitor. I wish I were talking to a mirror because then I'd be talking to someone with half a brain instead of your dumb ass. Posts that belong on failbook do not belong here. And your resolutions are horrible because they're lies. You feel like you're talking to a five year old, I know for a fact I am talking to a snowflake who will never change.

Because your on Sup Forums faggot. Go sprout that bullshit on face but and look for acceptance and praise there, you are on the asshole of the internet and youre shocked there's asshole on Sup Forums?

American, and yes it's shit, ive seen the horrors of what people can do to other people.

Ment this post not.

>what you wish your life was and feel good instead of actually fucking doing any of it.

Isn't that what setting goals are for user?

So you can feel good about setting them and then not achieve them?

No, I don't think that's the point, guy. A resolution means that you have a resolve to do something. Resolve isn't something you do once a year, it's something you have, and if you have it, you have it all the time. You can't force resolve.

You're talking to yourself. Many people can and will change at any given time. Maybe you can't... but not even having the iota of testosterone to make the slightest effort makes you a little bitch. Less than a man.


Here we go...

You're talking to yourself. Many people can and will change at any given time. Maybe you can't... but not even having the iota of testosterone to make the slightest effort makes you a little bitch. Less than a man.

Making a new year resolution is just a start. Better than doing nothing if you ask me

Great 1950s thinking user, how can you use an computer device with that Neanderthal mind set. I don't see Trump as a Chad yet hes president. Being a man argument isent relevent anymore. More of a cop out

What a brilliant retort, brainon.

Go hail hitler in pol grammer nazi. If you cant get your head passed it then you have no say in the matter

Of all boys, you are soyest

>finish school once and for good
>go to gym and lose those 25kg i've gained over past 4 years of school
>get back in shape
>get a big titty goth qt gf
>probably move out from my parents's house in 2 years or so(i'm 20 in march so no hurry)
>get back to playing instruments
>read more books
>start watching movies
Pretty standard-ass resolutions

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>finsih one more contract on ship
>collect 10 000 $
>go travel the world for a whole year doing drugs and shit


Just one resolution .
But it will count for a lot.
Hope 2018 goes well for you, if not then may it stay out of your way.

You forgot a period.

Quitting cigarettes.
Being more organized.
Saving money.