Hey b its me again from this thread

Hey b its me again from this thread..

>Hey b, my ex left me back in early october after first lying to me at all costs to never see me again and then finally claiming that she got an abortion after i kept calling her out. She said she felt so terrible about it that she couldnt stand to even see me anymore. Now I have no idea if its true or not but thats the last thing she told me (thru text of course bc she wont even talk to me in a phone call). And then she sends me a merry late xmas text 4 days after christmas?? Does this mean anything? I dont really know what it means or if it even means anything. Any idea?

After having a moment of weakness and sending her a message, she never responded. So im here to finally and hopefully put this to rest.

TL;DR help me edit my final message to her

sup user, kinda going through the same breakup thing, nothing fucked up like abortion involved though
I gave my ex a gift on christmas, she added me on sc and hasn't deleted me
I dunno I guess bitches are weird. That message seems fine. She's clearly still thinking about you, and if she wants you back she'll talk to you
Move on and try different shit until then

she's seeing if she still has emotional control with you. you're her fallback, so if things don't go well for her, she'll come back to you
don't reply. block her number and get over her because if you give her any say, she'll be toying with your feelings forever. the most you'll get is a drunk bang and then her telling you to pretend it never happened.

Well i cant do both of these

don't think of it like she's keeping her options open, think of it like you're keeping yours open. Just make sure if you have a relationship with her again she's not a bitch anymore.
The abortion thing is pretty fucked up, she might just be too crazy

Just ignore her don't say anything lol

As much as i would like to, i dont want to be with her anymore. At least i dont want to want to. I just want an actual ending to this. It all just kinda stopped without an actual breakup or anything. I need closure. She wouldnt even agree to see me so i could give her a hug a tell her goodbye

A lover who I work with basically bitched me for a week. Couldn't even talk to her. Lost the plot and wife knew something was wrong. Anyway xmas party we kissed alot. Grilled her the following day about being drunk n kisding me n she went ape shit at me. Fell in love with the bitch n we are mates but still feel.like she needs me..am I kidding myself??
Dude is she plays the abort card fuck it off completely

OP, I went through some similar shit too. My advice is just do what you can to move on. Be alone, avoid contact with her. Eventually you'll forget about her, and if she ever pops up again, it won't be as striking. My ex was a bitch, manipulated me and made me think she loved me. Then dumped me but kept me on a string for the whole summer. Eventually I forced myself to move on, and now I'm in a much better, more rewarding relationship with a much more beautiful woman. I'm happy. You need to make your own happiness, and part of that is cutting out toxicity. If she didn't care about you enough to be honest and if she hated seeing you, why bother being stuck on her?

Send her a pic of you nuts deep in someone then say bye!let's see how quick she replies then

I'm stuck on my ex lover. There was no future but there was something n OP sounds the same

If you're still there, DON'T send that pussy-ass message.
Don't send anything. Trust me

Why are you relying on this other person to not talk to you? Block them, but that's not what you really want, is it OP?

Why not????

Do NOT send anything. Just let it go and walk away.

I appreciate all the advice and support, but im still unsure about my draft. Should i just delete it and not send anything?

Cause it confirms that you're a little pussy who isn't over her. That's literally the last thing you want her to think. Grow a pair and ignore her

Are you expecting a response?cuz I think you are...well hoping you do. Dude jus do a frozen n let it go.....

Fuck off and grow a pair

>texts while you sleep
>getting all emotional in response
First, you identify the T.H.O.T., then you begon her.

Here's a swell idea, why don't you reply to her, begging her for insight as to why she contacted you with a simple, but yet late "merry christmas", when you could instead not give a fuck, wish her a late merry christmas in return, and go back to not being an overly emotional bitch.

How much fucking clearer do you need it to be? Literally every response has been to not send anything and walk away.

Agreed but sometimes we need to have the last word...cant let them saggy lipped cow udder sucking jizz bathing bucket hoes have the last word all the time!

You wont get the last word. She'll respond some shit and OP will be back trying to figure out what to do next.

Agreed. Also kind of want the message to guilt trip her a little bit. Make her feel as shitty as i do

Nothing you can say will change her thoughts and feelings, except for perhaps making her feel pity. Pity gets you temporary reprieve but it will cause you more hurt in the long run.

Walk away. Ignore her. Seriously. Do not send that message. Heal. Take time.

Or learn the hard way, which you'll do no matter what we all say.

wow dude you're sounding too much like me, except I actually miss my ex. Shit sounds so familiar though. If you don't want to be with her again then easy, tell her you'll never see her face again and block her.

Don't send it idiot you make it obvious how much of a little bitch you're being about the situation

Yeah triple text your ex over the holidays, make sure to send her a fucking essay too LOL

>but sometimes we need to have the last word...
No you don't. This is how a child thinks. This is how idiots think. Mature adults have a thing called agency and don't give a shit if someone else wants to be petty.
Be an adult and stop talking to her.

This is the most sensible thread I've read in a long long time...sheesh...

Post her nudes.

Nice dub dubs...
Maybe the inner child needs to come out every now n then...
Jus block the bitch..after the final word..

I didnt read all the replies but did anyone fucking suggest waiting for her to answer? Just wait and see what she says, itll likely reveal a lot about how she feels

That's even more childish.
When figuring out what to do, one has to ask themselves "why?"
What will come of him sending a long ass message like that?
>She doesn't reply and he feels like an idiot
>She replies and starts a bullshit argument about nothing
>She replies apologising (ha! as if!)
If he sends that message and then blocks her, what happens?
>nothing because he's blocked her so he can never get a response

Blocking her would just be a way of pretending not to care about something you obviously care about or else you wouldn't want to send it.

Nigga you let the inner child out when youre amazed by life, not when it comes to being a civilized human

Yeah blocking her would be retarded lol its legit just like putting your hands over your ears and going "i cant hear you la la lalalaa"

Eyyy, bobby, can we anotha coupla fuhkin bruhskis ova ere?

This haha

OP said he needs closure. Not replying n then not getting a reply is that closure?
It's not and he won't get it unless he starts off the convo...
There is nothing wrong with releasing the inner child. Who made ALL the great toys etc etc...yes adults with an inner child..
Anyway we are going off on a tangent..
OP your decision

Thanks b. Its hard to think with your brain when your emotions start to take over. I deleted her number from my contacts and i deleted our messages. She isnt blocked in case she ever wants to actually talk, but i can no longer talk to her unless she instigates. I guess its finally over

Beer time..

It feels like a bomb got defused

I need a god damn cigarette

Proud of you
So in a couple days she will wish you a merry new year

Here endth the thread of knowledge.
Good work fellas.