Favorite albums to listen to while high?

favorite albums to listen to while high?





Live Rust - Neil Young


Dude, drugs lmao


vibes well

literally every album

Long Season

but it can be enjoyed anytime desu

>underage b&


>tfw never been high

i guess witch house might be cool on something downerish like heroin or opiates


got damn, this

it's real good

alcohol and benzos are downers opiates are different

Sometime I get really sad when I'm high.

They don't call it stoner rock for nothing

Coke and this, baby!

coke is for faggots

Atlas Moth - An Ache For The Distance



Unironically The Flaming Lips. Yeah Yeah Yeah song high is insane

never head this album before, thanks desu

Kush aliens are invading earth.

don't forget
>you're the only one