Is alien real?

Is alien real?

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Another proof.

Of course

Real human being

>yfw richard sauder was right after all these years

Guys. Srsly. We are talking about a real evidence released by a fucking Pentagon. Not some random redneck wacko on drugs. This is unbelievable.

>yfw Lazar was talking the truth


Agreed. Assholes think they are too smart to believe aliens are a possibility.

I think that they are preparing us for the truth that will be revealed real soon. I guess we'll see what happens.

given the size of the known universe, i'd suggest; yes. there is intelligent life out there
given the size of the known universe, i'd suggest; by the time we or they identified and made contact, one or both intelligent lifes would have gone extinct before making contact

That video wasn't released by choice.

if an alien civilization had a million year tech evolution wouldn´t they find a way to travel to other places in universe?

Yeah, okay, I'll bite that. But what about space time manipulations? Or some other ways to go through a great distances in a short period of time? Do you think that humans know all there is about the laws of physics and the Universe itself?

We don't know, faster than light travel might be impossible.

look at what has been discovered latelly and now accepted because there is no other explanation.
Quantum Entanglement

they landed...

People have been saying that for a few years now. I hope it happens in my lifetime.

That's what I was thinking too. In any case, many scientists are telling us lately that real contact with alien species will happen within a few years from now.

that's why i gave my opinion using the phrase
>given the known

Look, its quite a bit more likely its a military device of another nation (if it isn't disinformation, the film itself that is).

universe started from zero , from nothing, so why would you trust in laws that allow that strange thing?

Nevertheless, I want to know what kind of technology is used by which it's possible to break the known laws of physics.

Because it hasn't been proven to be false and there's plenty of evidence to prove that it isn't.

Not saying ftl travel isn't possible, we aren't advanced enough to know for certain but we can say from that we do know it seems to be impossible.

so would you consider imposible the fact that a universe can be build from nothing? well , look around, impossible is everywhere

That's probably just an attempt to get funding or something.

If we didn't know it happened then yes, I would consider it impossible but I know it has happened. Nothing with mass has ever travelled faster than light so it's a different scenario.


Blurry bullshit like always.

It's 2018... NOT A SINGLE PICTURE IS EVER CLEAR... We have fucking 4K resolution now.. your average cell phone takes HIGH QUALITY pictures... yet every goddamn picture is blurry and out of focus. GTFO.

the simple reason that something imposible happened once (creation of universe) is the reason we can´t deny other impossible stuff, like you stopping being a fag

All I'm thinking right now is how big the Universe realy is and probably full of wonders people will never be able to even comprehend. What a great time to be alive.
Sharp enough?

Your logic that because seemingly impossible scenario A happened it must mean seemingly impossible scenario B is bogus is flawed.

By your logic we'd never believe any result from any experiment because "oh yeah the universe happened." Faggot

Sharp enough to see that it's bogus, yeah.

And you managed to come to that conclusion by what exactly?

nice photoshop skills.

That the video is obviously fake.

The Pentagon admited there are Ufo's that can't be explained but you guys are claiming that it's all fake. Well, I guess the government is giving those billions to wrong experts.

I would like to ask all of you a Question
Who cares?? lets say they are real who cares??
If you do care why??

they the Ufo don't care you meet you if anything they probably have tours like we are a zoo

i say shoot them down!!
steal there technology

I'm not claiming it's all fake. I'm saying that colored video you posted is obviously fake.

ill tell ya if one crashes in my yard if they are alive i will take them as sex slaves and use there technology for my own benefit

Fact no lie!!

Yet, you failed to explain your beliefs.

For me it's all because of my couriosity. And the hunger for knowledge. And also because it would be awesome to see some of those advanced alien technologies.

They are fake. Space is fake. There are other dolimension and they are demons. Want Alien? Look at A I. IT isnt robot who teaches himself it is spiritual entety inside which control it. Research D wave and kindred computers. If there ever will be alien invasion know that they arent from space because there are no planets and space. There are dimensions which fake space agencies try hide them amd put them on planets while in reality thous are diferent worlds.


troll much?

that's a good reason how about going with them would you would tell them about our leaders and that they are the ones starting wars here
ask the to beem them to the sun?

Theyre setting us up for a false flag alien invasion, hologram technology exists along with mass projection technology. NWO folks, get ready

this is infrared bud