Pls, help me to find this kind of porn!

pls, help me to find this kind of porn!


Save any photo and open it on ms paint and click "invert colors" lol That's all it is.

Except for seeing the cock going down her throat


that is pretty easy just click on "invert colors" on ms paint dude

It's just simulated. All it is a gif on top of a gif.. One gig of the cock outside and one of it inside.

Inverting colours doesn't show x-ray vision. Look at the gifs you fucking retard faggots

Isn't the same, for christ sake.. could you see the cock inside the body in that way?

No, that would illuminate the cock inside her.
Maybe it's shot with a thermal camera?

dude it is very easy.
it calls "invert colors"
you can make it on ms paint, google it


Incest story thread..

What do you mean?


It's just a double gif. Also contrary to what movies teach you. A thermal camera AKA FLIR cannot see through solid objects or even glass unless the thermal object is in contact with the surface, In the case of these vids the temperature difference between the bodies would be to small for the camera to pick up. A thermal camera does not work in the visible spectrum bit picks up thermal gradients then digitizes them to a visible form.

Neat, good to know.
Thanks for educating me user.

Ok i guess i'll just have to clear out on this one
You can really choose any photo you like with this method i am going to tell u about

If you have clicked on ms paint just choose the "invert colors" function. That's all it is.

The reason they inverted the colors was to hide the fact it was just a double give where the inside part was just a faded external view. If you have a gif player that allows you to invert the colors, then invert them while it is playing and all will be revealed as it will revert back to natural colors.

Are you even playing the gif? If you do it appears that the dick goes inside on the second thrust and it looks like you are looking at through x-ray vision. That is not just inverting the colors. The second thrust is blurred and angle changed slightly so it appears to be inside.


Thanks for the explanations, although, it's kinda sad we don't have that tech level yet... I've seen similar effects just in Hentai xD.

dude i have no clue what your saying

it's that simple: you do open ms paint and chose the "invert colours" function. for gods sake, i dont have to click on gif if i know my method works out fine (and better than yours)

You fail as you are missing the whole point. Watch the fucking gif and explain the inside view with just color inversion you fucking waste of time.

If you play the fucking gif you will see that the dick actually goes down her throat but is visible from the outside as if it was an xray. There is more to it than just color inversion as with color inversion only you would not see the dick inside her throat or ass. Maybe if you payed more attention you would not look like a total idiot in public.

That's because it IS a fucking X-ray.

X Ray thread? Nope, troll thread.

I don't get what you don't understand and you're calling us retards? Ctrl + I in MS Paint. Google "Invert Colors" if you need more help.

No, you can'y do a selective area xray like that. They do not have shaped apertures other than circles or squares for xray systems. If this was an xray than other parts of the body besides the dick would be visible. I should know as I repair xray systems for a living.

just invert colours, its easy as fuck dumbass

Do you not see the dick is visible while inserted when it shoudl not be? Are you really this dense that you can't figure out what the OP is asking? On the second thrust in both clips the disk should not be visible as it is inside her. But the OP wants to know how they make it visible. Color inversion only will not do that. I give up. Did 2018 give birth to the stupidest of humanity yet?

lol u are trolling

No more like being trolled by a bunch of Neanderthals.

lol anime gtfo

There's actual x-ray porn.

This ain't it.

Yes there is, but it shows all of the insides unlike this. This is just a cheap blur on the second thrust and inverted colors. In addition to some method of guiding the cock so it looks like it is going into the ass and down the throat.

do women's throats go DIRECTLY down? no, they go about 6 inches back, and then angle down. Also can a rock-hard cock just bend like that? no.
this is a farce.
also the butthole bends a tad to the right when you go balls deep with a big cock.


As I said it is simulated in some way along with the color inversion. But apparently most of us here can't view animated gifs.

BINGO, you can see women's POO with xray porn.

I´m OP. Since this kind of porn doesn't exist yet. let's change the subject to Post the Cheap Blur Inverted Color Porn Gifs that you have. I mean, someone is doing this kind of gifs, and I like it.

you like invert porns?

Yep he likes porn with people that are socially defunct. Hmmm maybe /b should pull together. Most of them would deserve starring roles.

Don't forget the cheap blur who make the dick is looks inside and still visible, that's all about and you aren't seeing it.