Anyone else really fucking hate this guy? He makes my skin crawl everytime I look at him

Anyone else really fucking hate this guy? He makes my skin crawl everytime I look at him.

nope, just you

you must be crazy

I hate his stupid fucking face

he makes good music and he seems like a friendly person

>This guy sucks durr HURR
>Hes so shitty let's make a thread and talk about him

Literally neck yourself.

hey grimes

I hate grimes too

We should make a band

Take your antisemetic shit to Sup Forums

i don't know who he is but he's ugly

He's Jewish? God fucking damn it

i do fuck ariel pink


lol philosemites think this guy is jewish because his name has berg in it. fucking retards

We should make a band

his name is ariel rosenberg m8

face the music

Pls be in my rock n roll band

sounds like the eagles and seals and crofts but slowed down

she's a topless dancer lad

(shanes dad?)

I feel like I should hate him but I dont and actually think he's makes a lot more interesting music than 99% of other shit

I thought a derivative of Sparks because i obviously know fuck all

I always get the sleazeball vibe from him but I don't really care since his music is good

I met him in LA before a show he had back in 2015.

He was such a introverted judgemental dick, honestly would never collaborate or hang with him.

i got excited for a second because the thumbnail looked like that pic of kurt cobain in a dressm who i have a weird gay celebrity crush on aand would as such give my life to defend

but nah fuck ariel pink

how will he ever recover

Grimes hacked my pc (long version)

his hair is greasy and his posture is horrific

My life is complete fucking hell

Not to mention he still wears studded belts! like yikes!!!

you don't matter though

Fuck off Grimes

his family is jewish

shouldnt you be sexing highschoolers mr pink?