ITT: Things you discovered way too late

NMH has three other albums

Other urls found in this thread:

There's actually a pretty big Jeff Mangum discography.

Beauty (1990)
Invent Yourself a Shortcake
Beauty (1992)
Hype City Soundtrack
Monroe House Demo
Unreleased Demos #1
Unreleased Demo #2
Everything Is
On Avery Island
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Little Birds 7"

Orange Twin Field Works
Live At Jittery Joe's
the Korena Pang Stuff
the Alfred Snouts Stuff
his WFMU show
and his collaborations on things like
Stroke: Songs for Chris Knox
Major Organ & the Adding Machine
Black Foliage
When the Red King Comes
And the Circulatory System debut

They have tons of music, but a lot of it is lo-fi because they were made on cassette and released sparingly. People are still finding music they made, two decades later.
Here's a metal song by them:

Yeah, but they have only 5 full albums imo
>Invent yourself a shortcake
>On Avery Island
>Hype City Soundtrack

the reason Badfinger most of their albums in their first few years

Only two of those are albums you dummy

This is a fucking banger

Beauty from 1990, and the complete Monroe House Demos haven't been released or leaked yet. Jeff has a bunch of music he probably will never release, like the Cranberry Lifecycle stuff.

5 full albums is pretty good

>confusing demo tapes with albums
Spotted the millennial

Not including Olivia Tremor Control


Is that 9 minute Beauty demo not real? I always thought the vocals sounded weird but I could see it being an early young Jeff

It shouldn't be. See

>9 minute Beauty demo
I think I know the one you're talking about, and I'm pretty sure it's fake. The vocals sound off, especially compared to other stuff from around the same time. I'm pretty sure it was just some Sup Forums person making fake music for fun from when NMH was super popular here.

Oh well damn. I still kinda like it though

>And the Circulatory System debut
Why would you mention this but not the others?

what do you mean?

Do you think he only played on one of their albums?

Wasn't he the drummer for the debut and maybe the sophomore album?

He played on all three albums.

oh I didn't know that! I've only listened to the first and didn't really care for it that much, but that's really cool!

808's and Heartbreak is the 2nd best Kanye Album

Just a casual fan. OK fuck off please.

>King Gizzard exists
>Ambrose is male

Disco is a good genre

A lot of funk is shit
Nearly all rap is racist garbage

Sup Forums

Ultramega OK is fucking amazing. Most people only know of Soundgarden's later albums.
This track right here - listened to it like 4 times in a row.

Scott Walker is fucking amazing.

South American and Caribbean genres are awesome. Also Country older than 20 years is good.

Grimes makes fantastic music.

get laid, and then tell me that you still think Grimes is the greatest thing ever


The Promise Ring are one of the greatest bands ever

you know reading this really makes me wish I was around for the rise of NMH (born 1997)

It's unlikely you would have known about it anyways

true. Maybe I could see it in some sort of time machine.

They also wouldn't appreciate stupid meme fans like yourself. Fuck off.

What does "meme fan" even mean? I haven't just listened to ITAOTS, I've listened to all their old stuff and actually like it. You're being asshurt for no real reason.

I don't think they'd care

Literally looks like Homo Heidelbergensis but yeh pretty good music