What is effective against riot shield forces ? (guns excluded)

What is effective against riot shield forces ? (guns excluded)

running them over

get a life nigger you won't make a difference in the streets

you've got a point!

take it easy man it is purely hypothetical

Mixed martial arts

I don't know man. I don't have any experience on the matter. Maybe a paintball gun to make it difficult for them to see.

This is a strange hypothetical. You sure you aren't planning something?

Government mandated birth control and abortions.

Maybe beefed-up potatogun

A plane?

I think about that as a tough riddle

a better shield

Running behind them and then stabbing them. This will kill them. Once you kill a certain number, call in a nuke.

I usually run around them and a throw a semtex

>front line spears and shields
>2nd line paintball guns who shoot over front lines shoulders
>3rd line shields and spears
>4th line short range weapons
>5th line bomb chuckers

Delete system32. If that doesn't seem to help, go into the console and type noclip.

750ml glass bottle
4 oz glycerin flakes or motor oil
fill bottle with 2 inches to top w gasoline
soak rag in gas twist into top
light rag
throw bottle
enjoy the fooom!
get shot in head by police sharpshooter

paintball gun to occlude shield viewability
police pop head over/beside shield shoot paintballs filled with mix of fine ground glass and cayenne pepper at policemens faces

die from mass shotgun volley from police

this person get's it!
Maybe add in a few people with 'Lucernes' (pic related)

use homemade 3 man sling shots to fire 2-3lb blocks of concrete/motolovs at head level in to testuodo formation

make homemade flamethrowers using common home depot components

get killed by cop sharpshooters

use hi pressure tank filled with fiberglass dust and brakefluid

get shot

Drone(s) with homemade mortar rounda, glass dust, motolovs,

RC cars powered by nitro methane (30-50mph) with homemade claymore mines

RC kit for a real car, plow through their ranks, BE GTAV

As seen in the comments, anything will make you stand out as a target to the police sharpshooter. But teams teams launching balloons full of jelly fuel, and others full of snap caps.

pike wall

everyone dies en masse from cops mag dumping


Drones. Fucking dunekoons using them to drop explosives. Do the same. Then no sharpshooter go shoot shoot now.

this is Sup Forums. this faggot hasn't left his mom's basement in days. he ain't going to a riot

BE agent provocateur

Drone drops m60s/blasting caps into police formation, BAM BAM BAM, guaranteed at least 1-3 cops are convinced they are being fired on and mag dump into protestors, prompting all other cops to follow suit, like the good little blue clowns they are.

Massacre* is recorded by all mass media and 1000s of cams, spark riots all over country.

*best if protestors are minorities

They've been stacking the deck against us. About all we have left is Twitter and LiveLeak.

ITT pigs and faggots don't get this is what b is for

Old b thread

Anyone come up with an EMP cannon yet?


The Molotov will save your life

Maintaining OPSEC for any of these plans is paramount, no social media, no texts, no calls, everything purchased with cash far from your home and you walk the last 3-4 blocks to buy it.

best if only 1-2 people in on it.
but remember 2 can keep a secret if 1 is dead.

EMP devices are too large and require too much of a power source currently, besides wtf are you going to do with it? blow out the cops coms?

a frequency agile freq jammer is man portable has direction antenna and can be placed nearby police command vehicle.

non lethal:
fill water ballons with silicon lube, throw at cops/cops feet so maximum Benny Hill tier wackiness ensues,

get shot in face by sharpshooters

true nasty Sup Forumsro

suprised blm aint done this yet

A truck.

CAS always works.

am assuming op is

a. academy tier LEO
b. typical user
does not wish to get his brain bucket ventilated...

it would be shot down very quickly

you cuck amerifats will never rise up against your oppressors anyway.

That being said fire and vehicles

cawadooty that way

Just obey the law you fucking nigger.

cops ain't THAT good yet son.

'sides lets see you shoot down a moving target 200 meters up with less than 1moa target area...assuming you can fucking even see the thing...

This, with some ground up banana peels mixed in for maximum effect.

Lick those boots traitor, die on your knees mouth full of cock

A gun.

Getting a job not being present for riots because you are working.



Oh? And what the fuck have I betrayed?


Napalm from above

Good against everything. Can even cut through iron.

His nigger children. Fuckin spicy you've betrayed that

cringy, but really pretty weapon

The only thing other than guns or overwhelming force that I know is effective is the use of the so called "puputovs" its like a Molotov but instead of gasoline you fill them with shit and other substances. Only a brave handful of shield bearers would be able to hold their position after a good spraying. Used extensively last year during protests in Venezuela. Also the equipment gets canned because nobody wants to use a suit covered in shit.

Lego on the floor

Styrene monomer, or any other similar chemical. It's used in model making as a kind of glue, but it melts other plastics as well.

Not if u wear a bulletproof umbrella