Any game that relates to this? It's from the movie "9"

Any game that relates to this? It's from the movie "9".

Looking for that machine ridden, "hide from everything", nostalgic feel.

Something my DXM night will enjoy

fuck off poorfag

I order my shit from the market. My special K isn't due for another 10 days

fuck off newfag

Have you tried Machinarium or Primordia? You might like the aesthetic, but I know fuck all about the plot.

you don't even know the meaning of newfag you dumb nigger. doing DXM and K like a fucking knuckle-dragger

Oh, and Inside might be up your alley. Not quite the same aesthetic, but it gets the feeling really right in a few places.

Both Machinarium and Primordia are "click to point" games.

Spot on with the theme. I absolutely loved the artwork they have. The gameplay doesn't appeal though =/ I am hoping for something I can feel immersed in like any RPG

I bet you poke smot like some hillbilly uncle-brother fucker

no, i do what i'm prescribed like a proper human being. fucking stupid nigger

How's that xanax and vicodin for all your hard work being in the military for 4 years and coming out with PTSD?

why do you keep making assumptions about me? i'd never serve in the military, monkey

Why do you do the same? Yankey

what did i assume about you that isn't true? also not a yank, pavement ape

>not poor
>not black

you're poor enough to be slurping cough syrup for a high. you're an honorary nigger

I agree. Do some rich people drugs.

I'm cucked enough in a broken justice system that prevents my from testing positive for THC/cocaine/Methamphetimine/Adderall/Opiates

Cough syrup is a $6 legal high and holds me over until my K comes.

what fucking shithole do you live in

pro-tip paraphernalia ticket put onto probation



No shit

then move if you're so rich

refer back to probation statement