ITT we debate why my life is so sad that I had to be born in these multi-gendered years rather than in the future with...

ITT we debate why my life is so sad that I had to be born in these multi-gendered years rather than in the future with the sole objective of slaying xenos

also 40k thread




change the way you look at life, instead of slaying xenos, the scourge of humanity in the 41st millennium you should be slaying humans tainted by slannesh in the >>the current year





The Emperor walks amongst us, as He always has.

Life in the 40k universe is horrible. Hyper masculine fantasies don't do it m8
If you can't even stand up against hysterical women and their soy slaves, how would you stand a chance against things that let a grizzly bear seem like a mouse in comparison?
Posting space marines is pretty ironic considering that only the toughest mofos survive the process of becoming one. You're a defeatist pussy.

the only true savior

I didnt say I couldnt stand against the feminazi wave, what I mean is that why was my destiny to be born in this time rather than just be in the future with a lot of cool ass fighting to be done

and shiny armor

Horus Heresy ruined the Imperium

>implying humanity wasn't inherently always flawed
>implying anything except genetic purification, which was in the works by the Emperor, could save mankind

you can slay Xenos today. they're called Turks.

Yeah but shit was doing just great before that faggot decided to go chaos



Surely you jest? We are on the cusp of the rise of the most Glorious and Benevolent Emperor of Mankind.... and you get to watch him take the first steps in uniting the disparate tribes of Terra...

What a Glorious time to live!!!

I lost

You're right.


Imperium ruined the glory of chaos
Blood for the Blood god


>have incredibly powerful, nearly impenetrable armor
>don't wear a helmet.

no need when you're empowered by the codex of astartes

Oh that is just silly artwork. Most astartes wear their helmets at first.

The Space Doggos are really one of the few that don't like wearing helmets when they don't have to.

Also Calgar. I can't remember reading too many books where he actually wore his helmet for more than one chapter in the whole book.