Can you succeed as a musician if you're ugly?

Can you succeed as a musician if you're ugly?

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Grimes is doing fine

You can but it sure is harder.


fpbp even if you're a tripfag

i don't know, why don't you ask thom yorke

Yes but if you are fantasizing about being an indie heartthrob/dreamer while ugly, and posting on Sup Forums you are retarded. Ugly people who make good music are like frank black or whatever. Just make good music and don't get sucked into a narrative. Narratives are usually driven by music blogs and PR firms which exist to depress you and hit you with ads, so you buy dumb things or micro transactions or whatever advertisers do I dunno

I'm kinda high atm so this might be incoherent

2 nu-males and a lesbian walk into a bar

I would drink Caroline Polachek's sweat, tho


lord of the gingers

Other than some notable exceptions (David Thomas, Captain Beefheart, etc.), no. Ugly people don't get an audience.

yes, let's ask thom yorke, shall we

ugh, so ugly

It helps if you're really talented and maybe a little bit jewish.




These two were both conventionally attractive in their heyday. Bilinda is still attractive to this day; Kevin, not so much.
The other two were a bit ugly but they were just sort of along for the ride.

This is actually an 8 in Britain

oh yes even in pop

In music and in life

you tell me


everyone in chairlift is pretty hot though

That's the point. Chairlift was moderately successful and everyone in it is hot.

they were unconventionally attractive

Grimes and Ed Sheeran make it work by using their ugliness to position themselves as an alternative to mainstream pop. If that fails, just cover your face with an oversized wig or a KFC bucket or something.


Nice get

Yes, yes you can

Gene Ween
J Mascis
Frank Black
Mark E Smith
David Yow
Elliott Smith
Stephin Merritt
King Buzzo
Thom Yorke
Ariel Pink

Only if you are talented as a musician

Deaner is definitely uglier


Ariel Pink is a handsome devil, he just has silly hair and dresses funny


Nah man, youre like 10x as likely to be signed if you're not ugly.
It's pretty fucked, but then again people don't like looking at ugly people.

tits and the kitchen

America makes much better looking men, so I plan to take a trip and have some fun. Plus British women are sexy.

If you get over the armpit hair

what happened to the fat ones, the bald and the goatee'd?


Get the fuck out

and they say niggers don't into sexy styles


Deaners a certified hunk my man. His nose is just a bit too big


Yeah man lots of ugly people are successful musicians. Idk of any like deformed tier ugly people, but there's a lot of unattractive musicians. Your music just has to be about the music first and foremost. You can't make shit music but have people force themselves to like it because they're attracted to you, like some people who get memed on here

tripfag garbage out

mac demarco is one fucking ugly faggot yet he and hes shitty music is still popular somehow

Tbh being "ugly" is either some quasimodo level deformity or just very low self esteem

giv jane gf



neil young


>muh cotton fields
goofy little goblin nigger didn't contribute dick

>review brah in drag

sure, are you willing to debase yourself? Push the sexualisation of kiddies, and the worship of drugs, violence and commercialism?


I know right? Disgusting.

what final fantasy is this

Issa Tree

that's why he never smiles...

>implying grimes is ugly
you're just a major plebster

>he posts one of her few alien pics
>implying grimes is not usually attractive

>British women are sexy

And 6 foot 4

I'd smash her with no remorse

but he's a BOSS

he's doing it on purpose though. his attractiveness is what made him a star in the first place

The third guy that left after the first album looked like a zombie and the band seemed to get more successful after he left.

the french are on a....different scale

define "succeed"

Are you blind? Or just pretend claire isn't attractive because of stupid memes?
She is just stunning.

Who's that guy and why the world insist I should see his face everywhere and care about him?

You can just tell her pussy smells

I miss chairlift :(

Do grimes stans unironically take the bait every time or is it some kinda counter bait. Is every single one of them on the autistic spectrum?


>having a conversation
>Is every single one of them on the autistic spectrum?
the autist is you, mofo.

>idiots not realizing that they actually implied that she got acclaim exclusively because of her music and not her appearance

>thinks whining rhetorical questions no one will care to answer is having a conversation
I swear ive seen you around, theres always this specific grimesfag with an annoying way of writing and such a retarded thought process.

Yes, all you need is talent or at least smarts to pull off some kind of hack trick.

Radiohead is the perfect example of both.

she looks sexy on this pic actually
blame her ugliness on retarded (colored) haircut, and bad "designer/ironic" clothes

depends on what you mean by success i guess
maybe not as a sellout chartpop singer (not very likely you'd make it anyway) but if you're a skilled musician you'll surely be recognized in your genre

>homeless guy with free student haircut
>human lego
>a corpse
>lex luthor
>homeless guy without the haircut

>when you're so ugly your grow your hair out to cover your face

>Ariel Pink

>annoying way of writing
yeah sure. you got no arguments and that's why you're so annoyed.
>such a retarded thought process
i think logically and you think like a dimwit. logical thinking is "retarded thought process" to you.

He's right she's not really attractive but why do I find her so hot?

Same with Lorde.

nice L cosplay

she's just a special kind of attractive. a patrician beauty.


Buz was definitely more attractive when he was younger

>If you get over the armpit hair
thats litearlly the best part

maybe, but still kinda ugly

he's a merchant


now maybe, but wasn't sasquatch when he got popular
