What exactly is Pitchfork good for these days?

What exactly is Pitchfork good for these days?

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I'd be offended if I got nominated for the rock and roll hall of fame

>Kate Bush in the rock and roll hall of fame
how does she keep getting away with it

Being woke

they don't even make those pitchfork generals to shitpost in anymore, do they?


The museum itself is really sad and pathetic.

Is it basically just a glorified Hard Rock Cafe?


stages of p4k:

1. cool, hip, attitude p4k, has originality, mostly covers white oriented indie guitar music

2. p4k sells out, sells website to giant corporation, starts pretending top 40 pop and rap are good, becomes full sjw garbage

3. starts to cover things that arent music, slow at first, but i bet in a few years they will have whole sections about shit that isnt even music

4. ????????

5. dead

ulver are for dweebs

Pitchfork was never right about what they thought was good, but boy were they right about what was bad

Every year I check the RRHOF nominees and I'm like "Huh, I thought they were already in there." Fucking Link Wray hasn't been inducted? What a joke.

Startlingly accurate.

Sounds like MTV.

Remember when p4k wouldn't be caught dead even referencing top 40 pop yet alone reviewing it.

What happened? I know it's $$$ but still

They pretty much fucked themselves over by making it such an exclusive club, every year they HAVE to nominate some groups that only just become eligible but then there's so many they miss from previous years

That said, it's a garbage institution and I imagine a lot of artists in it are secretly embarrassed to be sharing company with many of the jokes that get inducted and there's a whole lot of pretentious garbage in relation to inducting various people twice or even three times

The rock and roll hall of fame hates bands that are from middle america, punk, metal, and indie faggots.

I also really really fucking hate how they keep on addding niggers that dont even make rock music.

And its not because they are black, let some black rockers in man. Let fucking badbrains or some shit in.

But rappers and pop stars shouldnt be allowed.

The whole thing is pretty much worthless by now.

Did you know blue oyster cult isnt even in the fucking hall of fame?

Disrespectful, they're god damn veterans!



Literally bought by the company that owns reddit

>the Jamie xx song is considered a song by an artist of colour because credited performers are black
It's obvious that image was created with a conservative agenda. If Pitchfork has an agenda, this image is not a good representation of it.

>Literally bought by the company that owns reddit
>Advance Publications
>founded by Samuel Irving Newhouse Sr.
>Newhouse was born Solomon Isadore Neuhaus in a tenement on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the eldest of eight children born to Jewish immigrants.
Every single time