If Nirvana is overrated shit for normies, what's the patrician grunge band?

If Nirvana is overrated shit for normies, what's the patrician grunge band?

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mein neger just listen to proto-grunge or post-grunge
the actual grunge scene was fucking mediocre as shit, aside from Soundgarden maybe, crossing over to Stoner Rock on badmotofinger

ok, name one good proto grunge band and one good post grunge band and I'll check it out




Weezer is post-grunge? I thought post-grunge was shit like Creed and Nickleback

well yeah, theres good bands in the post grunge scene and bad ones :DD

Hm. Well I've already listened to tons of Pixies and a fair bit of Weezer. I was hoping to find something like Nirvana but better.

you think post grunge is more innovate or sincere than grunge proper? You serious guy?


blehhh x_X heroin
plays Em C D G with le distortion -_____-


ok. and creed really pushed that formula further....

If you're the person that said weezer is post grunge, you might have a misunderstanding of what post-grunge is. Weezer's power pop.

this is pretty solid so far, thanks

... that emerged from the post-grunge scene. your point?

they didn't emerge from the post-grunge scene. they emerged from 80s hair metal...

Alice In Chains, but I would hesitate at calling them grunge

this. superunknown is a really solid album.

Youre overrated shit for normies

Dinosaur Jr.

>like Nirvana but better.
Dinosaur Jr.
They were Kurt's biggest inspiration and he constantly begged their frontman to please come join Nirvana.

Also there's Alice in Chains (Dirt).

>They were Kurt's biggest inspiration
Every band Kurt liked was his biggest inspiration
wipers, dinosaur, pixies, scratch acid, ... ma nigga he was unsure about everything in life

Post-grunge is a genre and not a scene

Check out this band called Failure. Don't really know much about their first album, but Magnified and Fantastic Planet have some great songs and the production is A1. Not pure grunge but still has that 90s grit to it. Definitely check out the songs Undone and Another Space Song. Those are gems

Sunny Day Real Estate came out of Seattle at the tail end of grunge, bore the grunge aesthetic and carried over grunge influences but they aren't post-grunge.
Weezer are nowhere near post-grunge.
Post grunge is Creed and Fuel and Puddle of Mudd and also Smashing Pumpkins.

anyone who says nirvana is overrated is being an obvious contrarian

Smashing pumpkins aren't post grunge imo they have a completely different sound

anyone using the words contrarian and patrician is a cunt

Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt,' is a cunt

>Post grunge
>Smashing Pumpkins.
Their first album came out before Nevermind you dullard
>Weezer are nowhere near post-grunge.
First album came out out in 1994 and were influenced by grunge, they certainly are

Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt, is a cunt', is an even bigger cunt

you know im right bby xo

Anyone who says "Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt,' is a cunt" is a cunt

Why? Both valid terms

"Overrated" is not.

they were influenced by popular music in the same way that anything remotely rock that came out in the 90s had a loud-soft dynamic. That doesn't make them post grunge. They were positioned as the antithesis of grunge, something that had meaty hooks but none of the overblown emotions.

Anyone who says 'Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt, is a cunt', is an even bigger cunt' or 'Anyone who says "Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt,' is a cunt" is a cunt' is a humongous cunt.


Anyone who says "Anyone who says 'Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt, is a cunt', is an even bigger cunt' or 'Anyone who says "Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt,' is a cunt" is a cunt' is a humongous cunt." is a cunt

>I remember just being totally shocked at how little people responded to us, because I thought we were so good. I mean, we were playing the same songs that eventually became big hits, like 'The Sweater Song' and 'Say It Ain't So,' and we'd play 'em out in the L.A. clubs would just be like, 'Go away. We want a grunge band.'

Rivers was influenced by fucking hair metal and pop music. They were able to attain success because the alternative scene in general was getting noticed because of Nirvana/grunge.

The Blue album is overblown hooks and overblown emotions you nerd
Misdirection. They were signed because labels were looking for another Nirvana.

Anyone who says "Anyone who says "Anyone who says 'Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt, is a cunt', is an even bigger cunt' or 'Anyone who says "Anyone who says 'anyone using word like contrarian and patrician is a cunt,' is a cunt" is a cunt' is a humongous cunt." is a cunt" is a big cunt

>Rivers was influenced by fucking hair metal and pop music.
And then changed to have a more grungy sound, and then got signed.

Weezer fanboys can fuck off with revisionist history.

being sad about a girl is not the same as wanting to die and being addicted to heroin

One isn't more overblown than the other just because you can relate to one and not the other

hilarious chain gents, you earned my upvote

aite mang. believe w/e you want.

Nice quints

It also says they're emo, so you can certainly believe wikipedia if you want, rather than common sense

yeah, pinkerton and the blue album had a massive influence on emo.

Massive influence upon emo =/= it is emo

>power emo

Influenced by doesn't mean emulation. Post-grunge bands like Creed, Nickelback, and Pubble of Mudd all tried to sound like more mainstream/accessible versions of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden. Weezer obviously did have a grungy/alternative influence to try to achieve success, but they didn't straight up copy grunge. I guess at this point it's coming down to 'what's your definition of post-grunge.' I do see your point though now.

Alright, fair enough. Come to think of it, they are more an alt rock power pop

Can we settle this once and for all:

Alice and Chains > Soundgarden > Nirvana >>>>>> Pearl Jim

foo fighters

These 4 bands were pretty much all of Grunge. Everyone else called themselves alt rock.

Kurt Cobain was a cunt.


>implying Nevermind was the first grunge album
>implying a genre's name has anything to do with the sound
Look man the first post punk song came before punk and yet people still call it post punk so even if something that sounds post grunge came before grunge it would still be acceptable to call it that

I don't think you understand what post-grunge means

>Look man the first post punk song came before punk
What was that?

nothing good is postgrunge, which is cancer translated into a frequency.

weezer and pixies are not postgrunge. they're not shit.

Bad post

I loved post grunge when I was 13yo.

If Alice in Chains was a straight edge Christian band they'd probably sound like this.


How is Melvins not mentioned yet?

the weezer debate kinda threw things off track