Does Sup Forums like Kylie Minogue?

Does Sup Forums like Kylie Minogue?

I'd cum inside her

old hag, wouldn't cum inside

X [Parlophone, 2007]

a special happy birthday to our favorite Aussie ingenue, who is turning 40 and can somehow still sing ("2 Hearts", "Speakerphone") *

Meltdown [1980s]

Can you give me some examples of her body of work?

No. Incredibly annoying. Here's a funny thing.. she was my first ever concert experience. My dad is a fan of hers (Dad is a normy and is a fan mainly because of her looks) and he took me to an arena concert when I was younger. Full of gays all surrounding me.

Discount Aussie Madonna.

oh i like her alright


Would it kill this guy to actually explain why he doesn't like so-and-so artist?


As best I can figure out, he doesn't like dancepop without a good groove to it (being that he's really into black music and whatnot).

I need to learn more about her body of work before I comment.

Who the fuck actually uses this word anyway?

I'd like to be her lewd boy-toy. :3

Autists who want to sound smart.

I would like to fuck her but her music or acting (I actually dont know what she is known for) is BAD

She's pretty humble and bro-tier to her fans which you can't say for a lot of pop divas.

remember her appearing on a series of the voice over here, she was proper thirsty
she seems sound though

Thing is, Americans only know her first album and Fever. The rest is utterly irrelevant and usually didn't even chart here.


her music is very good pop music. you just don't like pop, buddy. stop being a poser and embrace catchy music.

I liked her with Nick Cave don't care much about her

I don't think Kylie ever prioritized the US market that much; she was doing fine in Europe and her home market and didn't want to mess with her successful formula.


80s haircuts were so freaking bad. They made 20 year olds look like 45 year olds.

>They made 20 year olds look like 45 year olds
hot tBh

What? No they didn't. You only think that because your Stepford wife aunt had a haircut like that.

There's only one reason why straight men would be fans of Kylie, Mariah, Taylor, etc and it sure ain't for their music.

Her body sure is a piece of work, but her music is just okay.

floofy hair is great

>complains about a woman's looks
>says makes her look a bit older

Fag detected