Invited sam "donating 5000$ to daily stormer is an epic joke" hyde

>invited sam "donating 5000$ to daily stormer is an epic joke" hyde
>made multiple collaborations with carl of swindon
>was a part of this embarrassing fedorafest
>made videos with maker of cringy "sjw musicals" chris ray gun
>is a member of the """"""""""""""skeptic"""""""""""""" community
>hangs out with a known bestiality apologist YMS while being a vegan
>enjoys racist garbage like this
>reviews Sup Forums memes
>is obsessed with "sjw's"
>retweets kekistan shit
>supports gamergate
>defends richard spencer
he is a fucking asshole who deserved what he got even if the article is pretty incompetent

sam hyde didn't do that shit until way after the podcast
sargon is a gay civic nationalist. he's about as right as bill maher.
islam deserves to be mocked for the backwards stone age religion it is

the rest is false

>"donating 5000$ to daily stormer is an epic joke"
Why do they do this, who do they think they're tricking

>tfw living through the modern Red Scare
>tfw on the right side of history

What should I call my memoir?

>he's about as right as bill maher.
so a lot


Historical context my dude, at one point the tables were turned and christians were barbarians and at one point islam had to preserve knowledge, things change and will continue to change, there's no reason to use absolutist black and white thinking, shit's too simple in a complicated world.

bill maher is a fucking racist and misogynist neoliberal. not left at all.

idk if this is bait or not at this point but ive seen over ten fantano threads the last 2 days
just go bitch on your twitter instead sweetie

i don't support christianity either. they're fucking zealot idiots. all religions are backwards shit (buddhism might be the one exception) and i'd prefer none of them existed but islam at the moment is the worst offender.

I kno rite, he's a raycis nahtsee.

All religions are fair game in my book. Christianity, Judaism, Islam. They all do weird shit that belongs in the BC times.

At the moment, but every religion had its moments, it's ups and downs, attacking them just entrenches them further into the culture of their societies. We gotta rely on education to make them fade out naturally.

>Smash the fash amirite XD
What is it like to have a double digit IQ?

>the rest is false
its not though

>hates on sjws
wow so evil

I can't wait for Fantanto to put you faggots in check

yeah it is???? these are just activists fighting for a better world for the marginalized people and rich white men like fantano and Sup Forums posters just mock them and their concerns because they can't understand it. until you experince what a woman or person of color or queer person experiences every fucking day, you need to sit the fuck down and listen to what they have to say.

aNtHoNy FaNtAnO

woah what album is this from?

>rich white men like fantano
that nigga is middle class at best

Are you retarded?

low quality bait but at least you got someone to respond

Fantano's a total cock but I wouldn't call him racist. Center right maybe, big free speech guy. Any of you know Dave Rubin? That guy lets on anybody left and right and is all about giving a fair hearing, pretty liberal and lefty except in regards to political correctness like Fantano is. Fantano's similar to him.

none of this is bad


more like the needle dick

>falling for the iq meme
found the brainlet
(and i have 99.8323 percentile iq btw)

Yeah this guy jerks off to interracial cuck porn and posts pictures of his bare ass on twitter and makes videos about how Nazis are worse than Marxists (who are also bad). I don't get why they lump him in with the far right. He's just some fat gamer faggot.

The more the Left rejects Centrists, the stronger the Alt-Right gets.

Why did he hang with dehh if he hates them?

>I share a board with sjw trust fund socialists

even if he is so called "altright", who the fuck cares. you're not allowed to think a certain way now?

Well fascism and centrism share a common goal, preserving the status quo.

Even worse, you share a board with post-left egoists.

>these people have the hammer and sickle in their twitter name and call each other comrade unironically
>in reality they are soy fed skinny fat losers too weak and scared to ever risk their lives for le revolution

Seriously though sjws leave

when that thinking is racism and could lead to legitimate harm against marginalized people yep it becomes a problem. when me, my family, and my friends lives are at stake because of the politics that fantano supports and gives a platform to normalize, it ceases to be just a mere opinion. it becomes a threat. an ideology that is based around "discrimination" against "whites" and preserving traditional "white culture" and has vague talk about ethnic cleansing/deportation is not just a political opinion, it's hate disguised as a legitimate ideology. it's nazism repackaged for the 21st century. fantano is normalizing it.

like chapo retards?

lmao rubin is a cryptofascist

That's a vast oversimplification.

>gay lefty druggie

the altright wants a white ethnostate. how the fuck is that "the status quo"?

No like spookbusters

The absolute state of this board.

internet centrism is a meme tho

actual centrism has nothing to do with that, it's being socially progressive while economically liberal

think macron

Cause it's not really about white people, that's just how they hook ya, it's really about economics but that's too boring to rally behind.

>buddhism might be the one exception
good job
you just proved yourself to be a redditor who who gets his knowledge about history from memes

>he is a fucking asshole who deserved what he got


We as white people must know your privilege and fight the alt-right! We as white people crated the white supermacist society! This isn't enough, we as white people must give your homes, jobs and privileges to people of color before white people.

Follow me steps, fellow white people. The time has come to give up your privileges!


It was status quo for every Western country until approximately 20 years ago. I personally just want an immigration policy similar to Japan in the US/Canada/Western Europe. Very limited, only to those with degrees and qualified and showing proficiency in the language. They don't have to be white, they just need to be qualified. No manual laborers or 70 IQ construction workers bringing their 15 cousins they cram into their basement and refuse to learn English. If we had this sane policy and actually enforced our laws in the US, we'd have far less problems today.

you know saging is not a downvote right?

That ship sailed a long time ago. Merit based immigration is never happening dude.

Sam Hyde also donated to the daily shoah. But he can also be pretty funny. Just because he had him on his podcast doesn't mean Fantano wants rahowa.

>pandering to the alt right
>not sexually harassing female artists in exchange for good reviews

t. dumb american who doesnt understand politics

Wow, this is true.

As a Jew, we can't allow the right-alt right anymore.

> idolizing western civilization and classical era greeks while being half mexican
> fantasizing of throwing people out of helicopters
> being sad fatass gamers that changed /r4k/ for Sup Forums
> soros must be paying money to everyone so I don't get laid

I'm not a fan of LARPing but your local kekistani is not better

This is what I don't get about the far-right, you see someone say "white people suffer less racism" and immediately think everyone is out to get you.
Nah man, nobody wants to hurt you.
We just don't want anyone else to get hurt either. When did peace and love become edgy?

centrist are the ones who always reject the left first while sympathising with fascism