Why does guitar attract such an insufferable fan base?

people whove never played a chord before in their life or only see chords as a means to shred solos over

who sit in their room at mom and dads house shredding scales and solos

using their guitar as a monophonic instrumeny

cite some irrelevant "le gayman guthrie" faggot metal guitarist as good because he shred notes at a speed thats unlistenable

doesnt care about music. carrs about shredding

force guitar leads into every single part of a song for no good reason

if this is you i have a message from guitar centre. they like your stuff and want you to come do an improve gig on their tester guitars right now. see you down there le faggot ahahahahah

Tim needs saving from the computer hackers


shredist detected

t. can't play an instrument

>doesnt even deny it
>actually defends his lifestyle

dude leads

Bad news lad, that was the your one (you). Maybe if you samefag enough you'll attract some easily baited newfags.

keep rocking out shredder dont let the hate stop you. the guys down at guitar centre really like your stuff

my roommate is this guy but instead of shredding its shitty little corporate indie riffs and 4 chord garbage songs written by x factor contestants

he doesn’t even know the difference between tube and solid state, let alone what those two things mean

What should he be playing

guthrie's pretty good. He's got more taste than most shredders

back to guitar centre

lol ok. If i had to chose between him and yngwie malmsteen I'd go with him

I'm all in with shred-hate, but Guthrie is a great player.

gig tonight at your local guitar centre on the tester amp. see you there lads


king crimson, my bloody valentine, the list goes on...

dude guitar solos are sick hahaha. face melter!

please tell me you are joking

nope they are both far more patrician than you are and could ever hope to be

they are cheap compared to most instruments so people don't have to brake the bank when buying one. you can also find a lot of used ones online from people who decided to to try learn to play one and then backed out due to circumstances. they have a lot of easy music centered around the instrument they can play with. and you can sing while playing with one so they can pretend they are their favorite music artist.

I hear this all the time and have listened to a few of his albums but still don't like him that much. I feel like he needs to join a band or something and get a talented songwriter to work with. All the stuff I've heard is good but can't shake that "solo over a generic backing track" feel.

Also he seems like the chillest guy ever.

>that was the your one (you)

Imagine being so triggered by my bait that you lost the ability to construct a coherent sentence.