I've never met a woman in my life who found her taste in music by research...

I've never met a woman in my life who found her taste in music by research. Every woman i knew had a man telling her about music. Be it her brother or boyfather or a male friend. Why?

Most people don't research music, this isn't a gender exclusive thing. Most normies get their tastes from friends or the radio.

just vomited in my mouth irl

you have met like a dozen women

the ugly truth

>tfw my last 3 gfs have had great taste in music

maybe you should so more research about the types of girls you're going for

>implying the virgin op has gfs

hahah nothing personal btw

wtf is that

next level slang bro get with it

girls call their bfs "daddy" so it's the progression

I talked to more than 300 women throughout the years. Not even one of these people had a personal taste. They were all drones to their male acquaintances' tastes.

This. Permavirgins won't want to hear this but it's true. Also OP, who gives a fuck? Useless fucking thread. Go back to Sup Forums

Most people regardless of gender don't give a fuck about music outside of background noise. To you, they are drone. To them, you're a fucking loser. It's all perspective my friend.

You must be a special kind of stupid. There are millions of males passionate about different musical genres. It takes 5 minutes to go on RYM and look at the profiles. 99% males. Do you have difficulties understand simple statements?

could have been a good bait but the reddit spacing made it way to obvious.

Are you having trouble understanding that people on the internet, especially on niche communities like RYM and Sup Forums, don't represent your average person in real life? I think the retard here is you. The average man in real life I talk to likes EDM and Hip-Hop and can't name any albums or songs. This is how normalfags feel about music. Get a grip.

There people on the internet or where ever the fuck that is a discussion about music and they are all males. You must be mentally handicapped.

Are you being stupid on purpose? We aren't talking about people on the internet we're talking about people in real life. Yeah people on the internet are passionate about their interests because people on the internet have no lives (me and you included) and have time and energy to spend on something which ultimately serves no purpose outside of an entertaining distraction (music). I care deeply about music but I don't have my head up my ass like you do, so I understand your average person doesn't give a single shit and I'm not bothered by that fact.

You come to my thread to define what was my purpose you stupid cunt?

Are you a literal retard?

It's pointless arguing with you since it's clear that you are either an underage person or a female. Begone roastie!

says the guy who gets all his music from Sup Forums telling him about it

Sup Forums has a horrible taste in music. why would i ever take recs from Sup Forums when theres RYM? thats just stupid.

RYMcore and Sup Forumscore are basically the same thing idiot. how new are you ?

no newfag. lurk more.

>he gets all his music from RedditYM
>somehow that’s better than Sup Forums

youre still here? someone is butthurt! look at the ip count!

>pleb desperately trying to uphold his image on an anonymous chinese coin collector forum

>that cope and projection

>resorting to no u


>implying you got your taste in music by researching it and not just listening to what your "friends" on Sup Forums tell you to

>Sup Forums is the only music disussion board on the internet

t. underage newfag

Why do you faggots demand to share interests or having similar music taste in music with your girlfriend? Don't you know that people connect on a deeper lever instead of depending on superficial traits like "interests" or "personality"?

You have reading comprehension problems bro

They also liked great dick

>>that cope and projection
nice projection.

He should've at least laughed a few times.