Wait, so you said you don't like Death Grips?

>Wait, so you said you don't like Death Grips?

Other urls found in this thread:


no grandma, i said i LIKED Death Grips. put your hearing aid back in please

>Oh, that's good.. So.. Do you want to be breastfed?

fuck yes


She really needs to have another kid.

>this thread

nah i think they're fucking trash desu
Sup Forums has fucking horrible taste

I know

>you're life

Explain why without using the word "meme".

>you are life

I just felt it to be droney, bland, and boring. The vocals felt forced and over-done. It went out of it's way to be vulgar and explicit. If you put on Death Grips at a party, everybody would think you're a fucking creep. There's literally zero musical integrity, or anything musically interesting. It's just fucking garbage.

>S-sorry user..

why is mommy bjork so wrinkly and wearing too much makeup

She's getting older and at that point there must've been some stress in her relationship. Still aging well though. (Especially her mammary glands)

>or anything musically interesting. It's just fucking garbage.

nice argument, faggot.

so you listen to anything but what is posted here? what do you listen
unique man

you think your -opinion- is an argument?

bork only likes guillotine and in an interview said that Stefan was from the UK
shes certified casual


guillotine is a fucking banger though
when did she say stefan was from the uk?



>go out of their way to be vulgar
Seeing as MC Ride is one of a handful of black rappers nowadays who refuses to use the word "nigga" I fail to see your point
>If you put DG on at a party
Ah yes of course because only party-friendly music can be good

that's what retards do


>bork only likes guillotine
Not quite true, she also likes at least one track from FW.

source on this?