Picks a 30-year-old sjw as their new editor-in-chief

>picks a 30-year-old sjw as their new editor-in-chief
>instantly goes to shit
this really activates the almonds

Please stop attracking people who try to call out racism and bigotry in our world...

kys you're self

Chose life...not death...chose love...not hate...

>you're self

Did you think that post was genuine?

they really fucked up by dramatizing too much. they could have written a piece on thatistheplan and not gone full retard. instead of grasping at straws they could've just called him a shitposting idiot who talks to some less than reputable people once in a while. the piece they have now just makes anthony look better and music sites like the fader worse


I think your time would be better spent volunteering at an animal shelter, please consider applying.

OMG HEY BUDDY!!!! I'm not wrong.

Do you like to antagonize people who just want equality?

Youre only saying that because Anwhorey Fattano called your fav hip-hop artist trash, arent you Squidward?

nothing to do with being an "sjw", he just comes across as a bit of a cunt in general

You don't want equality. You want a license to act like a smarmy, sanctimonious, passive aggressive piece of shit just like you're doing right now. Stop abusing yourself. Stop being a piece of shit human being.

Some people just can't be happy unless they're mad.

This man tells the truth

Why the hostility? If you don't believe what I do then that's cool, you just do you and I'll do me, okay?

He should be added to the graphic

Ok, then let other people be other people without having to resort to the defamation of ones character who has done nothing wrong.

>missing intentional Sup Forums grammatical and spelling errors

Indian summer is still summer

Get out, newfag.

It's okay to let rapists get away with it. You do you, and he does him as well as her

I feel like most people who claim to want to not be defamed are the same ones who hold intolerant beliefs...if we don't try to make them see the error in their ways, who will?

That's pretty jacked up, man.

>comes into thread and immediately characterizes everyone who disagrees with their opinion as some kind of evil doer
>gets called out for being a cunt
>heyyyy...live and let live mannnnn
Take your own advice you dumb cunt. You came in here specifically to shit on other people and claim a false moral high ground over everyone else. YOU ARE A BAD KIND OF PERSON.

holy shit you deserve a proper upvote my dude

Wait, so, speaking up for those who have no voice makes me a bad person, or...?

Ok but if there's no articulation or sound reasoning or purpose in what you're saying, you just sound like a fucking idiot, just like how you've been for this entire thread. I'd suggest getting off of your soapbox, get off the internet and maybe go outside.

This is seriously witch trials level insane. Anyone who doesn't want to be publicly lied about and accused of wrongdoing is therefore guilty? So you want to be publicly defamed and attacked? What? Do you even understand what you're saying? Are you 12 and just absolutely retarded?

im black and im sick of u fags pretending to look out for me.
if you wanna help out. stop staring at me when i go to arcade fire concerts. its creepy

You came into this thread and immeditely characterized every person who disagrees with you as bad. YOU IMMEDIATELY ATTACKED EVERYONE ELSE AND NOW YOU ARE WONDERING WHY YOU ARE BEING ATTACKED IN RETURN. YOU ARE HUMAN TRASH. FUCK OFF.

I just love black people and their whole culture, I think it's great when I get to witness one in a setting in which you wouldn't normally find one. Sorry all the same.

HOLY MOLY you u destroyed him :0

>no voice
anyone can start a blog/YT account and express themselves. We dont need you or anyone else to speak on someone elses behalf

Too many fascist fuckboys in this comment chain.. I can't even

>smearing someone with poorly researched slanderous hit piece
>choosing love
m-my almonds....

I'm fucking tired of these Cis White Male brocialists like Marx and Ho Chi Minh.

Well he did edit it and his intentions were good, so even if there were hiccups at the end of the day he just wants to stick up for the helpless.

>I'm too stupid to make arguments so i call everyone names instead: "muh fashists"
>I should keep being a bitchy cunt and alienating and bullying everyone out of the left because that manner of behavior in no way caused the election of Donald Trump or the rise of the right that's taking place throughout the Western world.
Enjoy Trump 2020. You earned it.

I really don't think that will happen, besides there is quite a bit of time until 2020.

The author of the piece does not give a shit about anyone but himself. Like all SJWs he's a narcissist who's using identity politics to virtue signal, get attention for himself, and try to increase his own social status.

ellipses ellipses ellipses ellipses ellipses

>fascist fuckboys
bitch, l am a libertarian and l find your comment to be more offensive than a kkk rally
He's a shitty journalist who wrote an inflammatory hit-piece, at best - l hope his pay is cut, at worst - fired

What's wrong with bolstering yourself in the process of fighting for equality? If anything it makes you more confident to stand up to the slavemasters of the world. Do you think people should not feel good about themselves?

how does something instantly go to shit if it already and always was shit?

Deal with arguments as they are presented instead of dishonestly re-framing everything and constantly changing the subject. You are pathologically dishonest.

if you want to feel good about yourself, do something to earn that feel! Fuck the nationalists, fuck gay pride and fuck any other unearned pride

I feel like it's important to bring up issues that are vital every chance you get because they are a matter of life or death for some people, you wouldn't know about that, being blinded by privilege your whole life.

everyone has privilege

All the Dems seem to be doing is doubling down on the behavior that alienated so many in the first place.

We can't give you jobs, or healthcare, or wages, but we'll make sure you can have all the genders you could possibly want!

Please don't say that, there are no privileges that are enjoyed by the poor blacks and Latinos in the US, especially with a fascist as a president and emboldened racists overtaking the public

Okay, wow. I can't even talk to someone this childish and infantile.

>we might live long enough to witness the collapse of a major USA political party
Ooooooohhhhh yeeeeaaaahhh~

That wouldn't be a good thing, but...okay...

lmao no one cared about Fader until this and now they have two active threads on the front page of Sup Forums.

>a fascist president
aaaaaaand you lost...

True, but it might give the libertarian party a better chance to become a main party (and they might stop talking about weed for a goddamn second)

Do you have nothing else to say besides "lol, you're stupid"? Explain how Drumpf is not a fascist.

Shut the stfu!

Numales need to get sent to a boot camp to turn them into men.

You are so brainwashed it's very sad. I hope you realize you're in a cult before you do too much damage to your life.

You only Yolo once

>not realizing we're on like 5 layers of irony now

get with it


Blacks and latinos get points added to their SAT scores in the college admissions process. A very clear example of officially institutionalized privilege. List a legal privilege instituted by law that whites have in the US.

What is a "man", exactly? Someone who doesn't care about the oppressed? Someone who needs to subjugate women to feel like he has a big penis? Someone who likes to perpetuate rape culture for the sake of their insecure masculinity?

>Elected through democratic process
>Is constantly berated by the media of his own country
>occasionally has his orders stopped by other government institutions
if he is tyrant, he sure sucks at it. And dont give me the popular vote garbage, if the USA used voter-id in all states and you removed the votes of illegals he would win that too

>caring about america
>unironically being alt right or communist and caring about a "revolution" in your shitty country

Being an American doesn't mean anything. It's just words on some paper. You are a cog, replaceable by anyone in the world. America has no shared history or ideals (except maybe "the almighty dollar"). It's just a collection of strip malls filled with chain stores and some barren farmland that will be used to build more chain stores. Your nation is a farce and not worth fighting for. As such I don't care about your politics because you have no values to begin with.

The ability to not get shot by cops.


>rape culture
Someone who doesn't believe that is a thing that exists and not just pomo crap you blindly swallow just because school told you so.