Name a worse instrument

name a worse instrument

Other urls found in this thread:

Female vocals/females

the guitar

-female vocals
-electric keyboard
-vocal synthesizer
-double neck guitar



No you're gay



the drums

Tenor is the worst. The main three in an ensemble order goes:

Bari> Alto>Tenor

If we’re talking solos, it would be:


Also worst instruments are ruined because of the people that play them (ie meme kids on Sup Forums). Those said instruments are: Synth, Guitar, and Piano.



Alto is easily the worse, it's the guitar of brass. Every dude I know plays it.

>inb4 woodwind

unironically this

After hearing this band, you'll never listen to the ukulele the same way ever again.

In fact this band makes the ukulele sound punk as fuck!

t. Euph/Bari



trumpet players r the shitstains of the earth

go home, manlet

agreed, attaching practice pads onto your snare drums is fucking retarded and just makes it sound worse than it already is because you dont even know how to tune a snare


The Cum


though I agree that 2 and 5 row accordions are patrician compared to that piano key stuff


That's not an instrument. It's like saying that a gear stick is a vehicle.


your mom


goes well with soft strings

don't gays usually love female vocalists?

you're trolling and i hate your guts

t. jazz school graduate

poast your shiet

stfu triangle is patrician


Looks pretty shit desu. This is the superior accordion. If you're buying a keyboard-style accordion, at least get a good brand like Rossini.

Why did you post a kid's accordion? Two octave keyboard, only three registers (actually looks like the black switches are both single eight foot, but can't tell with this resolution), 48? bass (doesn't really make sense, but it's a shit brand).

hohner or nothing

