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>the floor is terrible b-sides

more like best sluts.jpg


snsd doesnt steal

Hello Monolidsbros

they're the group casuals flock to because they're the inoffensive safe choice

Is Shindong the fattest person in kpop? How could SM allow a suju to be so fat?

yooa candy and mimi aren't there

Enjoy a daily dose of soob, kpg!

>Cheng Xiao is intimidating
>MeiQi is demure

Do you fampai even WJSN?

who is this?


you mean terrible title songs and god tier b-sides

thank u soobro

sexual harassment
remember to denounce it

chaewon from april
top qt

>inoffensive safe choice
tell that to the fanbase

lee hi is also okay, but sechskies were dumb shits going to YG, instead of going to a company that makes them a second pom saeng pom sa. i liked winners first album, then it started getting worse, now they sound like almost every bg with tropical house stuff

other way around actually

>them: i-it's too big...!

I actually like DNA. Am I not a patrician anymore?

>Dangerous Boys
that felt painfully scripted and forced.

Hello Baby otoh was great. Especially the one where they prank Seohyun. Intimate Note was perfect. No other gg was that funny.

to be in umji's place...

cheng xiao might not be intimidating but she almost always looks pissed

Nothing matters anymore once you get married.

you forget our guy Mr BOOMBOX

Omo. Does she do this with eunha?


Chaewon from April.

it is good tho

sowon is so rough...

what do you mean


it was a well produced song

Yeah it's pretty bland my dude

Go refresh yourself on good BTS

what about "listen to my words, the fucking dick is in your pussy"?

do you guys like ailee?

we love her and her assets

>The entirety of The Red
>My Dear
>The entirety of Rookie
>Hear The Sea

Red Velvet redefined b-sides you absolute pleb

just look at how her fingertips press into umji

>boy in luv


you said they all sounded the same
I'm not asking if you like them just why you think those groups sound alike

she's super duper cute


i love double peace so much


you could just post her nude

i can't believe people are this stupid that they don't understand the lava floor meme

Holy shit i remember them, woah blast from the past dawg
haha my man!
that'd get you expelled from school in yankmerica
she a cutie 4 real, whats her name?
>when the skin tone and hair match just right
skin bleach much?
Nice thighs ~
Id use that cleav as a troth to eat from

>雪娥很丑 -

she can't help it, she has fingers like her legs

>Song titled Wolf
>Begins with a wolf howl
Monolids and top quality thighs, I think that's a natural pattern.


booooring ass shit


wolf howls are majestic as fuck dawg


There's no better way to start it.


dropped girls

Fuck Laboum

rate my husbando

get better taste

It's always Sunny in KPG

rat monster

i think he meant twiceshitters have a shitty reputation on kpg, so liking twice here is anything but 'inoffensive'

you could start it with someone rhythmically chanting "wolf" before the howl


certified banger

A magic moment I remember
I raised my eyes and you were there.
A fleeting vision, the quintessence
Of all that's beautiful and rare.

fatmon is pretty cool

cutest girl in the galaxy~

vivi is so powerful

he's a great leader




they use the same producer and the songs rarely sound any different

imagine a kpop who has visited dr kim so many times her face is like 90% plastic

at that point would she still qualify as human?

indeed it is... thank you.

taeyeon is still human

>the new twice song is shit and will flop

mariah carey of kpop

fucktoy maybe

yes, unless she got new limbs and a torso.

Holy fuck....they're actually going to be the top group in a few years aren't they...
>Can actually rap
>Best dancers i've seen in kpop
>Korean, Chinese and Japanese members for maximum exposure
>Flexible subunits keep the group fresh

Who can stop them?

the face is a small percentage of the whole body

No way. That'd be like removing the siren in Fire Truck.

yeah they're alright

our girls

>people think woollim is the worst company


one of them will smoke the devils lettuce and one will rape a bitch, bye bye


they're dead now

they arent in yg

nice mouths..