/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Tattoo You Edition

How do I start learning guitar?

Suggested Practice Routine:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


You either shred with the best or GAS with the rest.

If you can play some fills to liven up your chords... Hendrix style or at least be able to apply some picking patterns.

How do I get good?

How is my practice routine /gg/?


Stretching and Warm-Up: 20 mins
Dexterity and Speed Building: 40 mins
Piece/Song Practice: 40 mins
Ear Training: 20 mins
Total: 120 mins

Above routine twice.

Share your routine too.


Wake up: 1 min
Shitpost: 16 to 23 hrs. 59 min.

I just play whenever I feel like it.

Should I just fuck off straight to guitar lessons, or train first home with online guides? I guess lessons just to avoid learning bad habits?

If you have the money and are the type of person who would be good with lessons they will pretty much always be better than teaching yourself (assuming your teacher doesn't suck) but it can't hurt to try fiddling around a bit with some of the Justin Guitar lessons until then.

You look light on chords.

I'm self-taught and would consider myself "bretty gud" (do solo gigs regularly) - been playing almost 10 years (started at 14) and desu I wish I'd had lessons somewhere in the middle. I've spent a fuckload of time analyzing and re-analyzing my picking technique, thumb placement, etc. - really logistical stuff that a teacher would probably notice and correct immediately.

like someone else suggested, JustinGuitar isn't bad, youtube tutorials aren't bad, but they require more effort on your part to understand what you need to improve upon. when you're just starting out it's not a big deal (most important thing is to actually practice/play) but when you start hitting roadblocks paying for a few lessons isn't a bad idea.

just try the lessons and if you feel it's not working go a different way

What quality can i expect from a 2016/2017 Gibson™.

Give me the hard truth. Gibson™ used to mean something....

throw in some improvisation. it's a skill that you need to practice, too.

QC is better than it was a few years ago when they got a really bad rep, from what I've heard. I'd just shopped used honestly.

cock measuring contests aside, assuming you're looking for a guitar you can use and not an expensive collection piece, buy an american fender or gibson guitar and you're good to go

Fuck I'd play but it's 5 am. Do you guys use a metronome?

Yeah. I can only practice this much only in the limited time. To include chords, I practice both rhythm and melody parts. I'm now practicing GOT theme in the key of C. It uses every chords except Bdim.
I can increase practice time, but I'm afraid of a burnout.

Yeah senpai. Thanks for your suggestion. I'll get started on that.

Instead of using normal metronome, I'm using this free app. It has tons of custom settings.

This is my (so far) $135 Garbagecaster. Say something nice to it.

Not sure which app this is but I got one, ty.

I'm making a list of things to practice daily.

The app is called metronomerous. You can change various note values within the bar also. Like 1 2 & 3 pl et 4 e & a within a single bar.

I want a virgin Stratocaster. Should I get a new American Professional or a Deluxe that's been hanging around somewhere for a while? The deluxe seems better, with more flexible switching and locking tuners and it's cheaper. I could even get a Mexican, or even a used Jap but I'm not super concerned about cost.

It is nice that you live in a place where you can get quality lessons. Some folks like us have to depend on the Internet only.


Made a thread yesterday, got no response. Can /gg/ guess the reference?

>it uses every chords
You know there are over 15,000 playable open chords. By which I mean not including barres.

I just got a 2016 Standard and put locking tuners on it.

I'm going to rewire it myself as my preferred setup is unusual.

How did you get that headstock? Aren't EBMM known for suing the balls of anyone who makes a headstock like that?

>How did you get that headstock?
I made it.
>Aren't EBMM known for suing the balls of anyone who makes a headstock like that?
Even if it was bought like that, I live in Mexico, nobody gives a shit about piracy or copyright laws here.

The deluxe has noiseless tuners which are considered garbage and the pro has v-mod which are considered really good.

Either get the pro or get the deluxe and do a pickup swap.

What is a V-Mod?

Did something happen while I was gone? Why is Samuel not here? Did we finally get rid of him?

it's early in brazil he's waiting in line for his sopa de macaco


What you'r favorite genre to play /gg/

eh, I mean, I've never taken a lesson, so I suppose it's a level playing field between us.

so, Paul Gilbert keeps his wife in his band because she's his wife or she can play?

I think he knew she was a musician before he married her, so he must have liked what he heard, I guess.

Best use of a Cort headstock I've ever seen.
Nice job.

>Buy a pedal from a big manufacturer. Comes with spec sheet, user guide and recommended settings.
>Buy a boutique pedal. Literally nothing in the box besides the pedal.
Slighlty annoying.

What do I need to make those long, distorted sounds like GYBE? I have Guitar Rig (yeah yeah I know its not real analog stuff but I cant afford much right now)



I had that extraneous shite. Each to his own, I guess.

>Be virtual ampfag
>Paid like $150 for the software and I have all the pedals and amps I need
>Literally perfect for poorfags
>Post pics of gear online
>No physical amps to be seen anywhere
>Nobody takes me seriously
Living is suffering.

>not downloading cracked stuff

what software mate? heard guitar rig is the best but dunno

There are no cracked versions of Bias FX though, it's a license you pay for. Believe me, I tried.

See reply above

Can someone please recommend me beginner guitar books (practical/theoretical)? Thank you.

you mean this one mate?


Your welcome. literally 10 seconds of work.

Rory Gallagher>your favorite guitarist

>There are no cracked versions of Bias FX
>search on the tracker
>immediately shows 10+ torrents

also known as the potato Blackmore

Trying to get me to download a virus eh, Mr. FourChan?
I bet it's probably the PC version too, I use Mac.
Besides I already paid for it.

None that work I mean.

Well fuck you for doing you a favor. check it in your torrent downloader and see the contents. also there is a mac version but I sure as hell wont post it anymore.

>doing you a favor
But I said I already paid for it

>guitar rig
Sucks, been there done that.
Saving for pic related, got to play through one and it was really good.

Why doesn't Fender do nitro finishes on anything but reissues anymore? You think they'd at least put it on the Anerican Standard series or something.

On some of the new models they have that G-force tuner

No, my favorite guitarist is best.

Is Rory your favorite guitarist?

It would drive the kind of autists that buy those guitars crazy.

No, but I think he's p. good.

>muh toan finish
Modern polyurethane is a better, more durable finish and a lot nicer feel than the plastic coated feel of polyester.

Hey, what’s up guitar general? I hope you’re all having fun and learning and expressing yourselves. Keep it up. If you like my stuff subscribe, it’ll mean a lot! I have a lot of videos coming in the future.

This is my Youtube:

that feel when you would be an amazing player if spent as much time practicing as you do watching videos about guitar gear

> dat mindless and sloppy out of time noodling
> dat atrocious tone

Fades are a good thing though. I guess I need to save my shekels for an AVRI or a used postmodern strat. I've decided I won't buy anymore guitars with poly finished, it's just a personal preference.

A good musician knows how to build a scale. 4ths 7x. A good musician knows how to extract chords from scales, and vice verse.

That’s like it dude, just study. A good poet knows his vocabulary.

What's wrong with this guy?

> Paid like $150 for the software and I have all the pedals and amps I need

lmfao I can't believe people pay for easily-piratable software

What does polyester have to do with it?

> The penis really works. Its the best headstock design ever used on any guitar. If you were technically knowledgeable you would have picked up on this.

I'm assuming he was mollested.

>paying for software
You could have bought a good used tube amp for $150.

Check his website:


He's selling a $10 stand for 60 dollars.

His design philosophy:

> I eventually realized that there was a better way to build guitars and what the secret of a great guitar was. I set out to make my own guitars entirely by hand. Not surprisingly, the very first guitar I ever built was better than any other guitar I ever owned previously, regardless of brand or price. What made the difference? The human element consisting of irregularity, variability, and inconsistency, the exact qualities mass producers claimed were negatives. A person's touch and feel are the ingredients essential in the making of great guitars or any other musical instrument; the creation of all artwork for that matter.

I guess he figures he can find enough rubes to buy his shitty guitars if he spouts enough advertising drivel.

top kek

Holy shit this has got to be some kind of joke

>it's another episode of gg disrespecting one of top modern luthiers

He even plays like shit.

just keep at it man

Daily reminder to go Gibson™ or go home.

what about Fender®?

And what good is it if I live in a noisy area and good mics for amps are the same price?

>all that work to make it a supercaster

how does it sound anyways

Daily reminder that 80% of Gibson's income comes from consumer electronics and that it's no longer a guitar company.

is this vintage guitars general?

let me post some up-to-date instruments

Man the fuck up and SM57. You also forgot to address >paying for software

What do I need to do to reshape a big headstock Squier strat into a small headstock?

it actually looks nice, just fix its finish

is this Lee

I wired the pickguard but the jack is still disconnected so I haven't tested it yet.
I still need to paint though, it's disassembled right now. I only put it all together to check the string alignment.
The green paste is what I used to fill the damaged wood, of course I'm gonna fix that.
Pic is how it's supposed to look when it's done.

I think he meant that he can't mic a physical amp for recording because there's a lot of noise around at all times.
I don't think "manning up" is gonna fix that.

>I don't think "manning up" is gonna fix that.
I strongly disagree.

>Not owning a Zachary™
lmao@ ur "life"

thats exactly what i spent on my eko gg3

Wow, so tasteful.

Well the guitar itself costed me $20 bucks, got it from a friend who hadn't used it in like 7 years. $115 is what I spent on hardware.
>That Licensed Floyd
I'm so sorry for you

dumb makifan

´nyway now save a for a good amp for cred only HAHaha!

>Licensed Floyd
hold the tune well its a wilkinson FR the pickups are chinese wilkinson too and sound good.

>literally just playing up and down the pent minor scale
why im not surprised about this when he actually owns a zachary guitar

With Gibson going down and Fender soon following, what fucking companies give me ACTUAL value for my money?

Im willing to drop thousands, because im not a poorfag. Used and/or vintage buys are not really interesting for me. Atleast not now.