Waifu thread

waifu thread


Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня





Claiming best girl.



My only counter point to that is at least /pol and /mlp knows it's a cesspool of shit. It doesn't take itself seriously like /bant
and /v is not that bad...


pretty sure cartridges are in fact taking over again (see: Switch)
not sure what dinky little toy you're talking about, though

>My only counter point to that is at least /pol and /mlp knows it's a cesspool of shit. It doesn't take itself seriously like /bant
>and /v is not that bad...

Sup Forums is trash.

I found it: Hit Clips

They were one song MP3 cartridges.

I really don't feel motivated enough to do anything

I'm tempted to start collecting pictures of the other doki characters, actually.

Renge, Billy is going to play Tower Unite with us

That sounds fucking retarded lmao

Switches are novelty toys as well and kinda suck ass.

Every board is trash. It accepts us degenerates.




never heard of it before, looks like a fun toy for children though

i'm not sure what you're talking about, the Switch is a great console

I have an unnatural distaste for Sup Forums...


>The Switch kinda sucks ass


Welcome to the club..

They fucking were lol.

I seriously cannot take Sup Forums serious after Trump's election and the huge influx of posters that flocked toward the board. A lot like Sup Forums when the fappening and Chanology happened.
Did you unironically defend /mlp/? Lol
>Sup Forums

Exactly what it was. The cartridges were like, 99 cents or a toy found in Happy Meals, McDonald's picked it up early if I recall correctly.


I atleast need some sleep before getting back up again for work in 4 hours.



The essence of /waifu/


goodnight cute sayori

It's overrated
>lol u cn ply wit eet outsd u cn tk eet 2 skool 2!




I'm not a hugger



Remember: Fap, Eat a sandwich, and lay in a dark, quiet room with your eyes closed. Also wash your hands before making the sandwich.


I'll be on in maybe 20 minutes

Thats no good. Just a lazy day?
Sleep well


That is a husbando.

Reverse order you fool.

Nah I'm not trying to stick up for shit boards, in fact the reason why I like mlp is cause it keeps those tools off this board. I think I just have a unnatural distaste for bant like does for v

cute pic
thankies! please dont lewd her



God, kill yourself already. Do the world a favor!

Lay down in a dark, quiet room with your eyes closed, eat a sandwich, and then fap? I mean, that COULD work. But you should never shoot something with your eyes closed.

oh... well i hope you feel better at least


I can't stop the spammer, sorry. Just close your eyes or something

Ah it runs deep... Back when Sup Forums was for the sole purpose of getting my shitposting out and I frequented Sup Forums. Good times





I'm just feeling really down today

/bant/ isn't that bad. It really does feel like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums to a degree. If you can ignore IDs and Flags it's a very enjoyable board.
The issue it has is in its identity, it really doesn't have one yet because of how new it is.
So far, /jp/ has its claws in the board. But users fight it everyday.

Aren't you the spammer?
Foxworth Texas? No I live on the East.
Goodnight cute Sayori-user!



I really doubt anybody actually gives a shit about being able to play it anywhere
Literally all Nintendo did was market the Switch properly and made sure it has a steady release of games/had a better launch than the Wii U


god yes

Haha, no, no, no. Foxworth is some nerd who used to Waifu the Nichijous, everyone from Yuuko to Mio to Nano. Then he dumped ALL of them for Yuki from Haruhi.


it has like 3 games. Arms, splatoon and skyrim

No, I'm not. That hurts ;_;



here's what I did at work
I played ping-pong


why are you posting anonymous then? smells fishyfish




I wouldn't pull out even if she threaten to cut it off.

I don't have any waifu to post



Read more manga
Watch more anime

I love me cute cat!




Mnh very fishyfish indeed


Take a gun and blow your brains out.


took me a while to get it
what's up second best 2hu wan?



We have an user who posts a literal cup of coffee.


That happens too. Im sure we all have off days.